Saturday, August 20, 2011

I have a problem with my , please no rude comments, this is serious (part 2)?

Oh my. Get off here and get your to a doctor. A doctor will be able to help you way more than anyone on here.

Alcohol and the effects on the body?

I'm doing a project on alcohol and its effects on the brain, the heart, the muscles and the body. What are symptoms of alcohol poisoning? Why do people drink so much? What are long term and short term effects alcohol has on your bodily functions? What about a small amount of alcohol; is that good or bad for your body? I'm also looking for pictures, diagrams, anything, really.

Are CPUs FSB backwards compatible?

Say I were to put a Pentium 4 CPU that is 800Mhz FSb in a motherboard that supports 400mhz fsb. Would the 800 mhz be backward compatible or would I get a CPU not supported error?

Will I get carded for bringing my own bottle (I know about corkage fees) to a restaurant?

Although some restaurants can bend the rules now and then on other issues if you are a good customer or spending a lot of money, they will not look the other way on this issue. If caught opening your alcohol and letting you consume it on their property, they could be met with a stiff fine and perhaps even lose their liquor license. I can tell you that the restaurant is not going to jeopardize their business regardless of how goos a customer you are or how much money you spend. No way. I'd suggest you wait until you become 21. It also would be embarring to you and your guests to face a problem on a special evening.

Will Sarah and John say bye to each other?

its not like they will be hanging out togather anymore. or maybe they will put togather a maverick organization.

I have a Sync by Samsung and am looking to switch phones?

I want to get the blackjack i607 (original one) but I don't know if my SIM card will work in it. I have a 3G, but I've learned that means nothing. How do I know if my SIM card will work in this new phone?

What is the most ideal and yet feasible rotation for the YANKEES?

Mine would be: Santana, Wang, Petitte, Mussina, Kennedye. Noticeably missing is Hughes because they would have to trade him for Santana. But the Yankees desperately need an ace. You saw what Wang did in the playoffs (not his fault) YANKEES NEED AN ACE