Saturday, August 20, 2011

My martial arts studio just shut down its Shotokan program - what do I do now?

I've been taking a very traditional, strict Shotokan cl for almost three years now, but our head Sensei took ill and had to retire from teaching, causing our school to have to shut down the cles. The person who told me about the news said that most of the traditional studios are shutting down or going over to MMA. I have no interest whatsoever in MMA. There's only one other place in the area that teaches Shotokan, but it has a bad history and is probably going to go to strictly MMA soon too. I don't know what to do, if I should continue to do martial arts, or if I should take dance or something, but I need to do something physical with an actual physical goal and discipline, or it has to be really fun - I can't do aerobics or kickboxing or just work out in a gym or anything like that - that bores me to tears. Any ideas?

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