Thursday, August 18, 2011

Do you think this guy still likes me?

We sort of dated for a few weeks back in February/March. Thing is, he wasn't into a real relationship and in fairness, told me that it was mostly something physical with me. Anyhow I had to leave to go back to my own country and before I left he was with another girl one night (as we had broken up). I didn't bother keeping in touch with him to make myself forget him. Now and again Id chat with a mutual friend & he used to say, 'we all miss you here, especially xxx(the guy I dated)'. I ignored all comments. Now I'm back in the same city as him and today ran into a woman who was talking to him recently. She said he was asking if I was around and to say 'tell her I was asking for her'. Do you think he's into me?

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