Friday, August 19, 2011

Evil Stepfather! Please read! What do I do?

My mother moved, basically abandoned my brother and I. My brother and I now live with our stepfather. It is HELL. Every morning I wake up to him shouting and screaming. Why? Oh, there might be an empty water bottle in my room, or my brother's bed was not made. Something small along those lines. His all-time favorite word is the F-Word. He works construction and is currently laid off. He sits around the house all day, watches Judge Judy and complains about everything. He actually made my brother and I start paying $100/wk. towards the house because he's not working. At first I disagreed, and he simply told me that I can "get the f*ck out" if I don't like it, which I've heard many, many times. I've been kicked out of my house because my room was messy. He's grabbed me by the chest, threatened me and my brother, and degrades us all the time. At least 3 times a day, we're subjected to being called "retards", "dopes", "morons", things of that nature. He makes us carry out ridiculous chores such as driving him a mile down the road to the convenience store because my car is parked behind his, and he doesn't feel like moving his. I've been at my friend's house, miles away, and have had to come home because the TV is on mute, and he cannot turn it back on. Needless to say, I'M FED UP. I want to move out and tell him what a waste of life he is, but where will I go? Something needs to be done, as soon as possible. Please, give me some options? I don't have the means to move as of right now, and please don't tell me to "sit him down and just talk". I've tried that, and I got kicked out of the house. Please, what can I do?

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