Thursday, August 11, 2011

Is it too much to ask for more time with family and myself from my husband?

Your concerns are valid and actions undertstandable due to the cirstances. It sounds like you truly want to rekindle things with your husband and would like nothing more than to bond again and enjoy some much needed quality time together. There is no way around this: you must attempt to discuss this with your husband. My mother always said, "it's not what you say, but how you say it," so sincerity and truthfulness is paramount. I wouldn't know what your husband can "work out" to not spend so much time at work and still bring in an amount you guys need to maintain your standard of living, but looking into and discussing options is the only way to get the ball rolling on this. If you meet resistance from your hubby, then that will kinda tell you where you stand too. I will ponder your situation a little more, please feel free to e-mail me and we could discuss this further if you wish. Take care and good luck.

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