Sunday, August 14, 2011

My ear bleeded when i tried to put the new stud, is it infection or will it get well

I pierced my ear a month back and yest i remoeved it for the 1st time to try something new. The earring went in but wasnt koming out. It finally did but a but of blood and puss came out. so when it bleeded i removed it for a while and i tried putting it back in like two hour. it tuk time and went in easily but again wasnt komin out from the back and gave me pain. my ear pains when i touch and i can feel the pain only on the backside. So if there an infection or will it get well. i felt the piercin in closing. please help me out. i cant even spin the earring koz it pains in the back and for how long do u think i should keep it on fromm today onwards.. thankss

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