Saturday, August 13, 2011

My windshield wipers lever broke how do i fix it?

My windshield wipers work perfectly it's the lever that broke off and is now hanging. Well it didn't just fall or drop off by itself there's a story behind it but i just don't want to explain. Anyways, some guy said that a regular mechanic can't fix it. He said i had to take it to like an electrician.. ?? (HU.? car electrician??) Then he said i had to go get the lever from a junk yard. My question is, should i really do that? Do i really have to go to a junk yard? but i just don't really know much about cars. My dad and brother usually deal with my car problems i'm just tired of telling them my problems. Anyways, i live in the East bay area in california and i need to know what to do.. ANY SUGGESTIONS???

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