Thursday, August 11, 2011

What does it take to charge someone with slander?

I went to court yesterday for allegations of Simple ault, Harment, and Disorderly in PA. While there, the so called victim had to tell her side of the story to the judge. My side of the story was never heard until my public defender went to the judge with it. Before I was even in the room, they had a two year probation period waiting for me because the victim told the judge all I do is sit around and smoke dope all day long. NOT TRUE. I have a daughter who I am at home with taking care of her all day. So I told them to drop it down to one year and after they heard my side of the story the ault charge was dropped, but I am still being put on probation with Drug/Alchohol essment and treatment. When I report to the probation office and my urine is completely clean of anything, can I come back and charge her with slander?

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