Monday, August 15, 2011

Why are the American people so against a "Wall Street Bailout", when these Billionaires deserve it?

When will ordinary Americans except they are second-cl citizens & human beings compared to the "Wall Street Barons", who are the elite of all of America, who have ordered the low-life ordinary folks to support a bailout and want the U.S. Congress to step & fetch them $800 billion dollars for starters, then several other defaults will follow and they will come back for more with an unlimited amount to be handed over when they snap-their-fingers! Remember, they are above the law, they make bad-decisions and investments and they expect to be rewarded! CEO's, who fail are to be given million of dollars and allow them to retire in the lap of complete luxury, while ordinary Americans go without adequate food, housing, medical and health care and a complete lack of opportunity to better themselves as "Wall Street" sent their jobs abroad for more & more profit at the direct expense of ordinary, average Americans! These "Wall Street" Billionaires are Adolf Hitler's Aryan Race...the "Super-Humans", who deserve anything & everything and ordinary Americans serve them....the MASTERS of all humanity! George W. Bush is their leader at this time and he has said, there will be a bailout and Conservative Republicans "Be Damned"! Those who serve "Common Folks" in the U.S. Congress are fools! Give the Billionaires whatever they want...should it be $1 dollar or $800 trillion dollars, our future generations need to be saddled with so much debt they are born into global slavery...peasants at the mercy of the "Great Global Wealth" and those that control it throughout the world! Ordinary citizens and common folk should crawl like the dogs they are and hand the money over to Billionaires, so they can become Trillionaires! Remember, these are the "Super-Human Race Adolf Hitler Created" and they are alive and well on "Wall Street", hurry hand over more and more and more and more money this nation does not have while ordinary Americans go without more and more and more and more! The U.S. Congress will determine whether all Americans count for anything or not! No Bailout, under any cirstances...let "Wall Street and all the other cheats, crooks and frauds", figure it out themselves how to correct their failures and criminal acts against this nations economy and well being! No Bailout, No Tax-Payer backed money! Strip the "Wall Street" crooks of every penny they have and have them lined up and shot for treason against America through nothing more than pure greed! No Bailout! A Bailout is a Sell-Out of the American people!

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