Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Could this dream be symbolic?

In my dream, I was living in a large house and it was nighttime. The house was structured like my dad's house, but the walls were white, the floors wooden, and everything felt cold and untouched. In my dream I was married and had a daughter. My daughter came to our bedroom that night and said she didn't want to go to bed. We were robbed a few nights before, and she was too frightened. When I told her it was ok to stay up, my husband became angry and demanded she go to bed. I could see how sad she was, so I knelt down for her to hug me. It was a very long and sad hug. I can't forget how her little arms felt, and how lost she looked. It's kind of weird for me to have such a dream, since I'm only 17 years old. When I woke up I was so sad because I couldn't find a way to comfort her.

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