Tuesday, August 16, 2011

How many lie has the RNC told about healthcare reform?

Countless. Conservatives never wanted health care reform in the first place, like they never wanted Medicare. The definition of conservative is opposed to change, and there is apparently more money in working for insurance companies than there is in working for the public. It appears that they will do everything they can to water down the bill and then not vote for it anyway, since they can't kill it altogether. The plan seems to be to block the public option so the insurance companies won't have any competition and can continue to raise premiums, causing the number of uninsured to increase. If they require those people who can't afford it now to buy from private insurance companies, as the premiums go up and coverage goes down, they can blame the Democrats, because Conservatives won't even vote for the bill after they have ruined it. The fact that health care reform is President Obama's top priority gives them another unreasonable reason to work to make it fail. If so many people didn't stand to lose so much you could almost feel sorry for the party, which is disintegrating before our eyes and stubbornly goes deeper into the elitism, bitter partisanship, and obstructionist policies that got them into trouble in the first place.

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