Saturday, August 20, 2011

I have a problem with my , please no rude comments, this is serious (part 2)?

Oh my. Get off here and get your to a doctor. A doctor will be able to help you way more than anyone on here.

Alcohol and the effects on the body?

I'm doing a project on alcohol and its effects on the brain, the heart, the muscles and the body. What are symptoms of alcohol poisoning? Why do people drink so much? What are long term and short term effects alcohol has on your bodily functions? What about a small amount of alcohol; is that good or bad for your body? I'm also looking for pictures, diagrams, anything, really.

Are CPUs FSB backwards compatible?

Say I were to put a Pentium 4 CPU that is 800Mhz FSb in a motherboard that supports 400mhz fsb. Would the 800 mhz be backward compatible or would I get a CPU not supported error?

Will I get carded for bringing my own bottle (I know about corkage fees) to a restaurant?

Although some restaurants can bend the rules now and then on other issues if you are a good customer or spending a lot of money, they will not look the other way on this issue. If caught opening your alcohol and letting you consume it on their property, they could be met with a stiff fine and perhaps even lose their liquor license. I can tell you that the restaurant is not going to jeopardize their business regardless of how goos a customer you are or how much money you spend. No way. I'd suggest you wait until you become 21. It also would be embarring to you and your guests to face a problem on a special evening.

Will Sarah and John say bye to each other?

its not like they will be hanging out togather anymore. or maybe they will put togather a maverick organization.

I have a Sync by Samsung and am looking to switch phones?

I want to get the blackjack i607 (original one) but I don't know if my SIM card will work in it. I have a 3G, but I've learned that means nothing. How do I know if my SIM card will work in this new phone?

What is the most ideal and yet feasible rotation for the YANKEES?

Mine would be: Santana, Wang, Petitte, Mussina, Kennedye. Noticeably missing is Hughes because they would have to trade him for Santana. But the Yankees desperately need an ace. You saw what Wang did in the playoffs (not his fault) YANKEES NEED AN ACE

WARNING: Question belongs to the experienced chemists?

Some stores sell "fireplace crystals". When sprinkled on a log, these crystals make the flames blue, red, green, and violet. Explain how these crystals can change the flames color. What ingredients do you think they might contain.

Does anyone hate Brett Favre and ESPN as much as I do?

ESPN is acting like Favre is the president or something. They following his every move like his is on God or something. There has to be something else going on in sports other than this. I believe this is part of the reason why Favre is such a Diva because he knows ESPN will hype him like he is the best player in sports history. This is why people say that ESPN is bias against teams and certain players. If wasn't such a Huge Raider fan, I would be a Bears fan just because I can't stand Favre.

I have just answered a question?

telling a person to go see a dr about their complaint...... and because I highlighted the remarkable statistic of exactly how many people ask health questions to unqualified gimps like you or I, and that they should use common sense and see a dr I have had the answer removed by yahoo......

PSAT Math Question Please Help?

Okay, so since 9 minus (a-b) squared is 5, then (a-b) squared has to equal 4. To get (a-b), you have to take the square root of 4 [(a-b) squared], which is -2 and 2, and since 2 is not an answer, -2 has to be the correct answer, therefore A.

Try to make a really scary paragraph (bloody, gory, etc)?

Can you guys please come up with a really really scary/bloody paragraph? Perferbly something that begins with the word "Blood". Make it REALLY bloody!! Like "pools of blood form from the liquid dripping from my cut off arm" or something. BLOODY!!! THINK RATED R!!!

Should I drop Matt Schaub and pick up Carson Palmer as my number two QB behind Jay Cutler?

I'm thinking I should as Carson shouldn't be this bad for long with the wideouts he has. What do you think?


I think he loves you a lot but he feels very shy to express his feelings in frount of you ,So just talk to him and best of luck

I rec'd my fed. tax refund via direct dep., but i'm getting more via an amendment. is that coming as a check?

The bank account i chose for direct deposit for my refund is empty and they keep charging me all kinds of fees, so i just want to close the account. will my ameded refund come as a check or direct deposit?

I need a ONE woman skit/show?

I need a really funny ONE woman show! or a one woman skit! QUICK! Please give me the name of the show/skit! Please! any SNL skits?! Rudner?! anything, help!!!!

What tangible damage results from a significant belief in creationism in the US?

A technologically based society where the population does not understand basic science is one ripe for dictatorship. It gets demagogues elected. It generates a general distrust of science and learning in favor of belief in "revealed" knowledge, which leads to little questioning of authority figures.

Did anyone die due to the 2001 eruption of Mt Etna?

I do not believe that anyone perished in the 2001 eruption. However, you can check out the referenced page for casualties from former eruptions.

What are these pieces of paper that come with pamphlets and how do you cite one in mla format?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

New to gas airsoft pistol plz help?

i got a hi capa 4.3 ops special editin gas blowback pistol today.... it uses green gas propane and red gas...what fires the furthest and where can i buy it

Diluted Earnings Per Share of Common Stock HW Question?

That 2000 bonds will have the option to buy a total of 100,000 additional common stocks. If the option is exercised, the total common stock outstanding will be 470,000. Since the net income is $464,000, the diluted earnings is $464,000/470,000 = 0.987 per common stock.

Is trust really everything CONT.?

Maybe you could ask him to do something new with you, like maybe dancing lessons, or an art cl or something. It could be as simple as going to a museum or something. Just try to get out of the box with him, and try something that maybe neither one of you has yet.

Top 10 all time favorite songs?

You're gonna have to be a little more specific than that... maybe genre of music... no, that wouldn't work, artist, maybe... probably month, though.

How can precipitate lead nitrate from silver nitrate solution?i don whant damage my silver nitrate solution on

silver nitrate is solusion and every time CRYSTALLINE my solusion to be low silver and appears lead nitrate how can precipi...... lead nitrate ?

How can i sharpen my teeth?

ok im trying to use a file right now but i HATE that feeling and i cant tell if its doing not even sure its a file..its a rectangle with rough like sandpaper like stuff on all sides and its kinda squishy..kinda..but ya idk if its doing anything so if u have any other ideas besides going to the dentist thank you :) and dont ask y o.o

Can someone change?

u cant just make ur grow larger its natural and if u gain wieght it will go in all the wrong places so i dont think u should change:)

Why do some major cases go to trial quickly while?

others drag on forever? The OJ trial happened within a year of Nicole's death while in the Caylee Anthony case, her remains were found in 2008, while the trial won't happen until 2011. This case was on the news heavily now has died down some. Do some trials happen right away because the public presses it? Like with the OJ case, the public kept on it. Why do some cases go to trial almost immediately while others, it takes years?

Can anyone help me find a site that has the serial Killer Harvey Gatman i have been searching for about 2 hour

This is for my criminal law cl... Im not expecting anyone to do my work i just cant find a site about this guy if you know a serial killer web site i would really appreciate it.. thanks in advance

My martial arts studio just shut down its Shotokan program - what do I do now?

I've been taking a very traditional, strict Shotokan cl for almost three years now, but our head Sensei took ill and had to retire from teaching, causing our school to have to shut down the cles. The person who told me about the news said that most of the traditional studios are shutting down or going over to MMA. I have no interest whatsoever in MMA. There's only one other place in the area that teaches Shotokan, but it has a bad history and is probably going to go to strictly MMA soon too. I don't know what to do, if I should continue to do martial arts, or if I should take dance or something, but I need to do something physical with an actual physical goal and discipline, or it has to be really fun - I can't do aerobics or kickboxing or just work out in a gym or anything like that - that bores me to tears. Any ideas?

Back packing around central and south America any suggestion?

im trying to plan a trip by myself to some central and south American countries. I was wondering if you guys had any tips or comments on where im going and the routes that i will be taking. anything would be very beneficial such as where to and not take the bus . let me first say im 20 year old male my Spanish is alright. i can get by. so im thinking i fly in to cartagena Colombia spend 5 nights there, then catch a bus to caracas( any tips on customs is the bus safe to take there? ) then from caracas i would like to catch a bus to puerto la cruz venezuela spend some nights there. then catch the ferry to margairta island. then from the airport in margarita island i would fly to panama city spend some nights there. then catch a bus to san jose costa rica. then fly home to los angeles. any suggestions would help me out a lot. i plan on being on this trip for 25 days and im bringing about 2000 dollars.

Emo/Asian Hair products?

emo / asian hairstyles that i see are styles with straight hair , so try straightening your hair then use some type of gel. if gatsby doesnt work, try using GOT2B. my brother always uses that, it seems to work well for him. but its not an asian product ..

Why is my teacher so big?

Im in my personal finance cl right now and my teacher is talking and she sucks at teaching. Her name is Paula Woelful and she is about 6 feet tall and wears blazers everyday. She has very broad shoulders and a box shaped head. Why is she so freakish and huge?

PLEZ look at my blue-screen and tell me whats up?

Memory dump caused by some USB device failure. Did you just add some new USB-connected hardware? Unplug something while it was running?

Money help.?

I'm in BIG trouble! My friend gave me his his iPod at told me to fill it up with songs on the weekend. On monday someone stole the iPod from my locker. My friend doesn't know and he's not goin to know. I bought an exact iPod for my friend, he hasn't noticed. Well my mom saw how much money I have and if she sees my treasury (an envelope full of cash) she'll know I'm missing about $200. I only have $10 bucks to spend, I need a new I.D. card which costs $5, and I need to pay $10 for the PSAT. I don't want to ask my mom for the money because she'll say don't you have money?? and then she'll ask to see my money. My mom can't know! She is very dominate, like 10X more than my dad. If I tell her what happened she'll call me stupid and she is the kind of person that doesn't believe in being a good friend when it can hurt you. Well what is a good excuse to tell her that I don't have anymore money? Or better yet, how can I make $20? My dad is cool, maybe he can help.

Getting sued by tenant over bodily injury, What should I do?

I have a couple properties, which several of them are trailers. The tenant did much work to the trailer that was not authorized by me, I stated in the contract not to do any work w/o notifying and permission of landlord. They did some tile work and the female tenant's foot cracked thru the floor. She hurt her foot and got a laywer and is sueing me because of her foot. Also they are 2 weeks late on rent and I served them w/ a 3 day notice. Any advise?

Ancestry- I have a friend who has become int. ancestry but she is not keen on pay sites?

ancestry: I have a friend who wants to trace her family tree and learn about the historical settings of their times, but she is not keen on paying all these rip-off sites that give you a little info. as a "teaser" then want you to upgrade to subscription. Is there any way to pursue this hobby for free?

What do you think of my fantasy baseball team?

Keep Jones, Bonderman, and Willis. The Tigers are going through a slump just wait Willis did good for his first time ever playing in the American League. Todd Jones had an off year last year but he will become very good. He will get in a lot of save chances and capitalize on them. Bonderman has his pitching down he didn't last year. He has his pitches perfected. Wait and see how he does against the Red Sox. I think you can get a lot for Pena. Watch for Carlos Guillen he is getting hot.

Whao i do next in ins creed brotherhood?

IVe got all of rome exept the entire right side, wich it sais im not allowed to go there yet, i have goten 2 romulus scrolls but cant find anymore. And ive bought all of the economic buildings in the area, ecept the landmarks. Iv did all christina missions, and bough all of leonardos items, and he told me to destroy all of his war machines,AND im guessing they are in the area i cant go in. How do i unlock that area, And im in sequence 3. I left the animus a few times, but just talked to the poeple nothing major??? What am i sopose to do

Friday, August 19, 2011

I would like to rephrase the question i have already asked...i cannot get connected to p2pworlds tracker?

i have always used the site p2pworlds tracker,but for the last 2days it has been unavailable does anyone know if it is shut down..

Do you agree that Terrorism would be defeated today if...?

There are liberals in the military. If the Republicans had put in real effort in Afghanistan this would have been over many years ago.

$4000 loan for a 17 year old, with co-signer... What company will borrow me the money??

Hello, Im 17 and looking for a $4000 loan. I know I will need a cosigner, but I still can't find any company who will give me the loan... Help??

How do I determine concentration of hydrochloric acid without using titration method?

The common alternative method is to use a gravimetric method. Measure out an exact volume of the HCl solution. Add AgNO3 to precipitate the Cl- as AgCl. Filter, dry and weigh the AgCl. From the m of AgCl you can find the moles Cl- in the sample - and hence to molarity of the HCl. I ume that you are familiar with these laboratory ytical techniques.

Is it to late to get into a good college?

I have been slacking off in my first three years of high school. I have made mostly B's and C's. Im currently in my last quarter of my junior year and my gpa is a 2.5... Is it to late to bring it up to at least a 3.0 and get into a good college on an academic scholarship? I love psychology and graphic designing but my pion is acting and directing films. i would love to start my own business in the film industry or maybe have my own show on Youtube like film riot. So the colleges i am currently looking at are Full Sail, New York film academy ETC... i currently reside in Augusta Georgia and i am looking for a Film School in Atl. ( Out if state is too expensive ) Or at least a good college with a Film, Acting, Graphic Designing, Business and/or Psychology.

How do i know if i won anything from the lotto super draw?

So I just checked my lotto ticket and I have 3 numbers on one row and another 3 numbers on a different row then another 3 numbers on another row? Have I won anything or do I need 5 or more numbers?

Evil Stepfather! Please read! What do I do?

My mother moved, basically abandoned my brother and I. My brother and I now live with our stepfather. It is HELL. Every morning I wake up to him shouting and screaming. Why? Oh, there might be an empty water bottle in my room, or my brother's bed was not made. Something small along those lines. His all-time favorite word is the F-Word. He works construction and is currently laid off. He sits around the house all day, watches Judge Judy and complains about everything. He actually made my brother and I start paying $100/wk. towards the house because he's not working. At first I disagreed, and he simply told me that I can "get the f*ck out" if I don't like it, which I've heard many, many times. I've been kicked out of my house because my room was messy. He's grabbed me by the chest, threatened me and my brother, and degrades us all the time. At least 3 times a day, we're subjected to being called "retards", "dopes", "morons", things of that nature. He makes us carry out ridiculous chores such as driving him a mile down the road to the convenience store because my car is parked behind his, and he doesn't feel like moving his. I've been at my friend's house, miles away, and have had to come home because the TV is on mute, and he cannot turn it back on. Needless to say, I'M FED UP. I want to move out and tell him what a waste of life he is, but where will I go? Something needs to be done, as soon as possible. Please, give me some options? I don't have the means to move as of right now, and please don't tell me to "sit him down and just talk". I've tried that, and I got kicked out of the house. Please, what can I do?

Please help me with my speech?

Yourself given the opportunity to be captain for that year as tennis captain.Everyone working hard throughout the season at prac and tournaments. Give thanks to certain people such as coaches and parents. tell how the year went and hope for the best next year. whats the most memorable moment at tennis. Challenges you faced. These are some suggestions

Question that is related to Biology?

Why are human males more likely to show rare phenotypes controlled by recessive alleles on the X chromosome?

Bible: is the bible for real? How come many typos? How come so many false stories/fantasy/smudges in the bible?

You have it all wrong. The bible is NOT the problem; it is the churches and their follows interpretation of it where the problem lies (but don't listen to them, go and see/read for your self. Don't judge according what other people say; go see for your self).

Is the burden of proof on atheists?

Actually scientists CLAIMED the earth was a sphere. That's a positive claim. We had the burden of proof then, and we proved it. Now theists are making the positive umption that there is a God. Since it is a positive claim, the burden of proof is on them... not atheists making the negative claim that there is no god because there is no evidence. You make a positive claim, you prove it. You make a negative claim (there is no god) when there is no evidence until someone proves otherwise. Negatives and positives, dear. Negatives and positives.

Angela Carter. The Bloody Chamber. Where can I get a copy or notes?

I just want to know if there is an online printable version of Angea Carter's 'Bloody Chamber' and/or some notes that can acomppany it. Thank you, all links etc will be appreciated.

Biology Question?? Look at info inside.?

After a plant has made food and converted it into energy, it will use some of that energy to divide and make new cells through mitosis. Investigate each of the steps in mitosis through explanations and labels. Make sure that your last step is specific for a plant cell. Do not include meiosis in your discussion.

How to lose 13 pounds in 1 month? Help!?

A 1200 calorie diet would do it for you along with an exercise e.g. walking every day or every other day. Load up on vegetables and lean meats. Try the "Subway" diet - it seemed to work for Jared. Cut way down on carbs.

Projected cash budget sheet?

The Mish Mash Store has a beginning cash balance of $440 on March 1. The firm has projected sales of $610 in February, $680 in March, and $740 in April. The cost of goods sold is equal to 70 percent of sales. Goods are purchased one month prior to the month of sale. The accounts payable period is 30 days and the accounts receivable period is 10 days. The firm has monthly cash expenses of $160. What is the projected ending cash balance at the end of March? ume every month has 30 days.�

Farting problem.......please help ?????

I have very serious farting habit....whatever I makes me to do farting everytime...please help me as now the things are becoming very awkward...please tell me briefly...

Is anyone else frustrated with Adrian peterson fumbling the football so much?

I'm a Viking fan but peterson needs to stop fumbling! I'm afraid it could cost the vikings a playoff game...

Bill O'reilly dillema?

Bill O'Reilly may be referring to Romney's demeanor in public rather than just his physical appearance. Yeah, I 'd like for the next president atleast to not appear to be such a in public.

Do you think Israel will go to war with Iran? If so, who would win?

Israel or Iran? I know the US will stand by Israel (rightfully so!!) and the terrorists in Syria, Lebanon and Iran will be together. But I think Israel might have a fight on their hands because the terrorists will come from all directions, though Israel will still win. Am I right?

Doesn't it make practical (geographic) sense for Northern Ireland to become a part of Ireland rather than U.K.?

just seems a little strange to me that Northern Ireland is part of the U.K. rather than a part of Ireland, which occupies the rest of island...

Should i upgrade my pc or buy a new one?

You could defragment it, which might help. But that depends on how old and slow your computer is. I had the same problem a few months ago and decided it ultimately better to buy a new one.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Who Ya Got? Steelers or Packers(-2.5)?

Both teams have strong defenses and both have had lapses during the season. Both teams have excellent QBs. The Steelers have a better running game. The Steelers have offensive line problems. The Packers have enough defense to pressure Roethlisberger, but he's experienced that for the past few years and been successful. I'd I'd like to see the Packers win, but think the Steelers are more likely. This is likely to be another low scoring game. It wouldn't be a huge surprise either way it turns out - the only thing that would surprise me is if it turns out to be a blow out. Since the Redskins aren't in the game I really don't have a strong preference; I'm leaning toward the Packers because it's been longer since they've won one, but I really like it to be a good game which ever way it turns out. I like the Steelers with the spread.

Police allegation - No case to answer - Is it possible to remove my fingerprints, DNA and photographs?

You can get the accusation removed. If you don't commit any crimes it won't matter if the police have your fingerprints and DNA.

Help With Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2?

So I bought the Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 sound card and installation stuff for my laptop. On my Dell d620 im running windows xp and there's a mute on right above the keyboard. But when I hit the mute on, it doesn't stay mute. It stays mute only if i hold the mute on but before it had worked fine when i first installed the soundcard. I don't know what I can do to fix it.

Will Bran muffins help me get bigger? (m-wise of course)?

Uh-no. They will make you poop more, which will probably end up maintaining your weight, or losing! They are loaded with fiber!

Bridal Party Gifts ... whose name(s)?

I think this is a nice idea. Can you put your names and date on one side and the wedding party on the other side?

How do you make a brochure on microsoft word?

I used to be able to do it on word 2003 but now I have 2007 and its really confusing. How can I make a brochure on word 2007? is it even possible?

..What should I do ??????????????????????????????…

Teenage hormones and infatuation. Stop chatting to him. If he`s 27 with a g/f how do you know he`s not got a couple of kids he`s not telling you about? I`d forget him. At 11 years older he`s too old for you at your age anyway and I bet if you met him he`d turn out to be a user.

Is it possible for Americans to get work in Europe?

I am from the States but I would like to live with a Czech friend in Prague. However, I would need to work in Prague in order to live there. From what I've been told is that Americans need visas in order to obtain a job in Europe, but I need some more details on that. I am 20 years old and I am not attending college at the moment and probably won't be until after I would live in Prague. Is there anyway I can maybe serve food at a restaurant or a some paycheck to paycheck job like that? And if so, what is the process I would have to take to do so? I appreciate any advice you can give me.

What should I do about this girl?

Wow, you seem like a really nice guy. And it is VERY hard to find guys like you out there, so don't change. Okay down to buisness. You might want to first figure out if you want to friends or if you want to be her boyfriend. After that, you need to see if this is a good relationship for you (either way). You don't need someone that is moody and gets pissed off so easily. You probably do need to take a break, just to figure it all out. Then, if you have a thought on it. Slowly figure how she feels about you. Ask her little nonchalant questions. But if she doesn't seem good enough to see what a great person you are (from what I can tell by reading this) then don't worry. Some damsel will need you elsewhere. :-D

What player would you like your team to draft this year?

I kinda want the Broncos to draft the Ramses kid. He's 6'6" and reminds me a lot of Marshall. I also want George Hypolite from CU. He's undersized for a DT but has the motor to be a good DE in a 3-4 scheme. In the first round, get me Rey and a DT worth something.

Do teachers have the right to ask me about this?

Teachers have an obligation to investigate if they have reason to believe that a student of theirs is being abused. If he thought it was a bruise on your arm from abuse then, yes, he has a right to investigate.

What do you think of this short list of British inventions?

You missed THE INTERNET another British invention,Tim Berners -Lee (Nobel Prize Winner).One of the World's most important inventors

What are some creams that numb pain to make epilation less painfull ?

Look in the first aid section of the pharmacy. There should be cream antibacterial lotions with lidocaine or benzocaine. Or you can use the benzocaine tincture for your teeth on your skin.

Granddaughter's Bday, son not speaking to us?

No, don't box it up and mail it. That is not what is in your heart to want from the gifts. Take them to her and see the joy in her face when she opens them and ignore the bad that you get from your son and his wife.

Why allow to advertise Sri Lanka used cars free?

Recently I saw a good website named . It allows its registered members to advertise "Sri Lanka used cars" for free. They don't even publish google adSense like advertisements. I'm curious to know how these type of websites earn money.

My Mock Draft 1.0 (BQ included)?

2 things...Paul George should be picked by the clippers instead of Hayward...and the other thing is that Evan Turner should be moved down to the 3rd pick.I think the 76's losing Samuel Dalembert will let them take either Cousins, Favors, or Monroe. Everything else looks great.

Can I sue for slander?

I was working for a hotel, and was mysteriously taken off the schedule without reason or any explination at all. I just found out that I was accused of stealing money from the payroll department. A co-worker apparently said they heard me say that I was going to steal the money (which I never did) Can I sue for slander? Or sue in any way? My name is now ruined and I surely cant use them as a reference, and I am now without a job because of it.

How much lower do you think this labour government can sink?

sending anti terrorist police after an opposition MP ( they could not have done this without high order permission) shows signs of desperation. For labour to deny any involvement is an insult to the intelligence of the public, (unless labour are as organised as a mad woman's handbag) what else is there left for them to do?

What monetary policy has the Fed done this year?

I understand that the Fed are now going into quantitative easing 2, is this because the first one failed? And other than quantitative easing what else have they tried to do? What are the consequences of this happening? I've read into it a lot but I can't make sense of it. It seems to me that the Fed are pursuing a fairly laid back monetary policy.

Wife has a problem with her diet. Whilst going through my wifes hand bag the other day i found a?

packet of toffees. I took this as a betrayal as i had put her on a diet as she is way too fat. She has not even tried to lose weight, and is still huge, she tries to say that it is because she had the twins a month ago and other lame excuses, what should i say to her.......i really can't divorce her as it is her jobs that keep the money coming in, me being unemployed an all!

Scared about miscarriage?

Had a miscarriage 6 months ago at 5 weeks pregnant. I have now fallen pregnant again. This time I am already getting morning sickness and really sensitive but last time I had nothing. Is it better to have pregnancy symptoms. Does this mean this pregnancy is stronger? Does anyone know the chances of having another miscarriage. So excited for my BFP but also really scared!

Anybody own a JBJ Picotope? How are they?

I had one but I didn't use it for freshwater. I did salt. The light is enough to support mushrooms. So it could probaly suppory live plant.

Adolf Hitler History?

Why is that there is such a fascination with adolf hitler and i feel that most history books completely over look Joseph Stalin (the purges, the famines). The deaths he caused are rarley spoken about. Hitler was a horrible man don't get me wrong. But why does history over look Stalin when what he did was equal or worse to what hitler did.

Do you think this guy still likes me?

We sort of dated for a few weeks back in February/March. Thing is, he wasn't into a real relationship and in fairness, told me that it was mostly something physical with me. Anyhow I had to leave to go back to my own country and before I left he was with another girl one night (as we had broken up). I didn't bother keeping in touch with him to make myself forget him. Now and again Id chat with a mutual friend & he used to say, 'we all miss you here, especially xxx(the guy I dated)'. I ignored all comments. Now I'm back in the same city as him and today ran into a woman who was talking to him recently. She said he was asking if I was around and to say 'tell her I was asking for her'. Do you think he's into me?

Christmas Present Ideas?

ahhh yesss its early but i want a head start,,so i need presents for my 2 best friends. They happen to love juicy coach, etc but theyll be fine with basically anything. So one likes sparkles,sequins stuff of that nature, and the other likes basically anything but her fav color is green and she loves those slouchy hats but i really want 2 impress her this year. Actually I really want 2 go over the top this year for both of them. cute things, useful things,, any suggestions?? please and thank you!! :]

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I need help finding a movie!!?

i saw this movie when i was a little girl and tills this day im still trying to look for it.. the movie is about a guy that helps this lady that they are killing her people and in the end they find her kill her, and he stays with her baby! i know she also sings him a lulluby and at the end he finds a women that signs him the same song!! please help me find this movie!! i know Bruce Willis is in it!!

Why do people critisize mormons so much?

I actually think Mormons are the nicest people on here! I don't buy their belief system, but how the participants act speaks a lot on how their religion strengthens the community.

Why is my cat so mean....?

Ok, I found my cat in Hurricane Frances, it was lost. I took care of it, never did anything wrong and one day he all of a sudden got really mean. Now 3 years later ita a mean little jerk. I never yell at him, I do everything right for him. I show him love and play with him. One second he's sweet then pow!! He nails me. His pupils get big and it gets dark around his eyes, then he meows in a very mean way!! I dont get it, he was nice then all of a sudden got mean. and to make it worse whens hes in a bad mood he goes right where im about to go then he nails me again thinking im gonna bother him but im not. I show all but anger to my cat. When Im sad and sick he nails me. When im happy and loving he nails me. He get doesn't hurt me in a playful way, he just,...just. Oh I dont know what to do!!!! HELP ME!!

Help with my Skateboard ollie?

so i can get of the ground and land fine when i ollie, but my board turns sometimes more than 45 degrees to my heelside when i land. which means that i am headed for some falling when i going faster. what am i doing wrong?

How long do you think it will take Sonny and Jason to figure out Dr. Devlin shot Michael?

He is essentially a dead man walkin but it usually takes time for Sonny and Jason to figure out anything.

Craigslist wont let us and where else?

It's not craigslist that's not letting you. It's the people in that particular forum flagging it. Make sure you're posting in the right category. i.e. Don't post ads for cover models in Rants or Personals, put it in Talent or Gigs.

Immunotherapy Allergy Shots ingredients?

i like to know if they contain toxic ingredients like Formaldehyde, Aspartame, Mercury-thimerosal,aluminum phosphate, polysorbates, or ammonium sulfate

Are Imperial China Dalton teacups valuable?

I found a teacup with the bottom labeled: "Imperial China Created Exclusively for Dalton ociates 333 Cherish Japan". It is imperfect (has a chipped handle and wear on the silver rim). Is it worth anything?"

Voting for john quincy adams?

I have two questions to be answered on John Quincy Adams that i haven't been able to find a stable answer on. The first question is: What were his popular and electoral votes? and what were his other most important offices held or positions in government? Thanks!

Why do US politicians talk about 'Freedoms" all the time, but deny me the most fundamental freedom of all?

I agree in principal, however, the flaw is that you ingest your drug of choice and then don't impinge on someone else's rights. When in practice you ingest said drug, and then drive, or commit a crime. That is why we regulate said drugs. But to further your point, instead of taking your right to ingest said drug, we should allow it, until you do in fact impinge on somebody else's right at which time we punish you drastically.

Christians when you say the world is going down the pan and we are living in the "end of times"?

I'm a Christian. My church doesn't teach "end-times" theology, which is more of a concern with the Fundamentalist set. I agree that we're living in an age of relative prosperity. We are also far more technologically advanced than we were a century ago. Instead of concentrating on the end of the world, and looking for the Antichrist under every rock, I believe in making the most of this life. Because I'm religious, I feel that my life is a gift from God, and I don't want to squander it by concentrating on a bunch of "what-if" scenarios instead of living here and now.

Can Raisin Bran Give you IBS?

Fiber is good for you, but it can be a shock to your system. it's best to slowly increase your fiber intake. Also, increasing fiber won't create IBS, but it can make your symptons worse if you have it.

I need a cup bra but my ma isn't really paying attention to it?

Do you have an aunt, sister, or grandma that can take you shopping? If not, I would just wear a shirt without a bra on underneath around her, and then she'll see how big you've gotten and she'll be convinced that you need a cup bra.

Do Republicans really want to elect a "maverick" as president, or was the "maverick" thing only a gimmick?

In other words, was it b.s. when the Republicans said we should all vote for McCain and Palin because they were "mavericks"? Or do the Republicans truly have a burning desire for a "maverick"? Thanks so much.

How did Adolf Hitler gain so much power over an entire nation?

How did Hitler gain so much power? Why did so many people support him and want him as leader? I find it extremely interesting that such an insane and demented man could gain so much power over an entire nation. What were some of his tactics to gain control over Germany?

Is there a Doctor in the house?

well, first of all to the men....this is a female question. I am wondering what are the signs of menopause, can they be exactly like pregnancy? I don't have fallopian tubes ( I think..that's what the doctor told me when she removed a 15lb ovarian cyst. She said she was gonna have to remove the ovary and tubes. How can I be sure that she actually did remove BOTH tubes? I have ALL the signs of pregnancy....I feel horrible! Do you think it is possible I may have another ovarian cyst? Because this is exactly how I felt while I was pregnant and carrying a monsterous cyst during the pregnancy. I'm scared to do this again......please let me know what you think. I know the obvious is to go to the doctor, which I's just bothering me now. Thanks

Fighting Styles?

I highly recommend Taekwondo. I really enjoy it and it has helped me increase my strength, stamina, agility, and flexibility.

Why is it gay to like ABBA?

I love knowing me, knowing you, and dancing queen. I'm a 16 yearold dude but I listen to aphex twin, kraftwerk, the prodigy, ministry, the crystal method, metallica, sublime, Elton John, van Morrison, venetian snares, MJ, new order, the police, but if I throw a lil ABBA in to it, it makes me gay? Like honestly? Why?

Is there any chance of another communist russia?

Wouldn't russia benefit from being communist again. Economically, and socially. Probably not with a military dictatorship but still...

Help with w9 tax clification?

I am working as a search engine evaluator for a company, and i'm not sure what i would be clified as for my w9. My options are: Individual/Sole proprietor, Corporation, Partnership, LLC, and other. I work at home.

Do you feel bad for Ron Paul?

First off - I'm not one of "those Ron Paul people" or anything but he gets attacked so much at these debates and I feel bad because he stands behind his beliefs so much and is very animated. I kinda hope he wins the Republican nomination. I wouldn't mind any of the Republicans except Mitt "Phony" Romney.

Can anyone tell me how to convert a furnace from propane to natural gas?

first off the system you have has to be able to be converted or you will have to change gas valve....most of the time on a gas furnace all you have to do is change the orifice and the spring in the gas valve....

Alternatives for internet radio?

try free pandora online. i use it often and it doesn't slow down my system. I have dsl, not high speed.

Strange old woman? Bin Lady?

I don't think anyone is in their right mind who spends their life stalking a Senior Citizen for no other reason than to write about her on the internet.

The mental state of a ?

this tells me they are less inhibited about seeking out the help they feel they need. straights may feel its a stigma to go to therapy.

I need help with IMP 1 pow 15?

A king has all the gold in his kingdom in twelve bags, with each bag holding the same amount of gold. He finds out that one of the bags has counterfit gold in it, though. He doesn't know whether the fake gold is lighter or heavier than real gold, and he only has a pan balance scale. He has to find a sure way to discover the fake bag in only three weighings. You can weight more than one bag at once against each other.

Best kind of trials bike for a beginner?

i have a new mountain bike and i have found i can bunnyhop it really high and do wheelies and trackstands and wheeliestands etc. i have seen trials bikers like danny macaskill and martyn ashton. I really want one for cheap, �200 about on ebay or amazon etc. just wondering what kind of things i should look at? thanks

I need to know if this would be a good enough poem for my project for school?

Hmmm... You should try to make things on more separate lines. Try to play around with the wording a little. Pretty good. =)

How far can the exploded atomic energy / radioactive in japan travel? up to European & Africa?

It can travel around the world, but by the time it get's to Europe, it would be so diluted that it wouldn't hurt anything.

Does Islam Liberate Women?

yes they do because i am a muslim and my mum and aunties are free people who don't get told b my uncles and dad what to do so yh women in islam are liberated

YAPPERS: Why was MICHELLE MALKIN (FOX NEWS) never appreciated by Filipinos in America?

Apparently, Ms. Malkin represents what could go wrong with America's immigrant demographic. It's one thing to be a racist, ist xenophone when you're a white American whose family has lived in the USA for hundreds of years--but it's doubly tragic when a female, first generation immigrant of non-white parents openly and proudly spews hatred and ignorance wrapped tidily around an American flag, which is fundamentally unconstitutional and un-American by the way. She is a modern-day Uncle Tom, or shall we say, Auntie Tomasa, who has made a clearly conscious decision to divest herself of who she is out of disdain for her heritage and background to adopt a culture and mindset of a baser nature.

Do You believe in Santa Claus?

I don't want no harsh comments, I just want to know if you do or not. Also, please live your age, but you don't have to if you're not comfortable with it.

Friend tried on my contact lens for 30 seconds, can I still use it?

Even though your friend had "nothing wrong" with her eye there are still risks to your putting this lens directly in your eye after she has placed it in hers. Everyone has normal bacterial flora on the outside of the body. This includes the eye. The bacteria your friend has in her eye are different many times in type and genetics than those in your eye. Her body may have "learned" how to keep her bacteria under control. But when these bacteria come in contact with you and your immune system they may not be held in check. This can cause you to get an eye infection from foreign bacteria that do not cause infection in your friends eyes. Don't worry, though. All you have to do is put your contact lens through a complete disinfection cycle using whatever disinfection chemicals you use. This will kill any bacteria on the lens and they should be fine to wear.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Colic in baby...What else can I do?

My son is 5 weeks and I have been giving him Infacol for 2 weeks now... at first it seemed like was working but for the last 2 days he has not been burping much and keeps on farting... I know this is good as he is getting the gas out but he wakes him from his sleeping farting and seems in pain with it...he is going to the toilet well...all in one go...what else can I do for him. He is bottle fed (Aptamil 1) I gave him milk that isnt too hot at first but then starting to warm the milk up more and find that he is being sick what is best to do? Help! x

How do you think monarchy will be restored in other European countries?

In Russia support for monarchical restoration is growing. In a poll taken in 2006 it said 20 % of Russians would support Monarchical restoration. In Portugal 30 % support Monarchical restoration. In short it's possible but it may take some time. It will probably mostly be in Eastern European countries and some very Catholic ones.

My toddler is only 16 months old, the pedia said she has gingivitis. How to treat this?

6 teeth are about to grow, and her gums are swollen, the pedia said that my 16 month toddler has gingivitis? Is this possible at a very young age? How to avoid this? She loves to play the pacifier in her mouth.

Help me with names? Please?

Love, Lane, lewis, Lars, Laya, Layla, Lester, Lucy, Lily, Layland, Linton, Lindon, Lon, Lauren, Fee Fee, Fury, Fancy, Francis, Fred, Fella, Fantasia, Fonda, Frank, Fido, Freeman, Firman.

How to sneak into a rated r movie?!?

Have you ever seen a movie theatre employee walking around the theatre talking to people? No they don`t do that. Just walk in with confidence and dont make eye contact, and you`ll be fine.

Is it weird that my favorite players are all accused of using roids or HGH?

i dont think its particularly weird. you like the good players, and it just a coincidence that many ended up using steroids. no one can blame you for liking good players. in the end, its just disappointing that we dont know how good they actually are without steroids or hgh.

Would a litter of puppies bred for conformation still have show potential if their dam or sire died?

They would have show potential regardless. What they might not have is the potential to be used as breeding stock, depending on what the parents died of.

Can you copyright , trademark, or patent something made from candy molds?

I am not sure, but someone has taken a candy mold and made the candy lollipop that it was intended for and then wrapped the lollipop in a cute way and wants to patent that idea, is that possible?

Super Bowl XLV pre-game team introductions?

Does anybody know where I can get the FOX Sports' broadcast of the Steelers' and Packers' individual team introductions with Sam Elliott? It would be greatly appreciated!!!!!

Will Murtha face an ethics investigation over this?

Murtha has always been a crook. He's a lucky crook because no one's caught him with his hand in the cookie jar YET, but his day is coming soon.

Name u'r top ten favorite Incubus songs?

Talk shows on mute has to be my favorite then I wish you were here. LOL @ the jonas brothers . I couldn't list 10 songs because i'm not a huge fan of them. Those two songs are great though.

Pick 2 RB's for week 7 NFL, Glen Coffee, Pierre Thomas, Clinton Portis or Darren Sproles?

They don't have the greatest match-ups, but since Gore and Tomlinson are back you should probably use the two actual starters, Thomas and Portis.

I still do not know how to use a compound light microscope. please help.?

hello. i'm a college student and i am taking a biology course along with a lab. we are using a compound light microscope for every lab period, and I am still having a hard time using it. everyone in cl seems to get the slides right away and draw on the lab manuals their results. the professor is checking the answers this week and i am scared because i couldnt write down or draw anything. i thought about buying a cheap microscope, the ones that kids use, but i don't think it will help because it's not the same. please help me.

Could this dream be symbolic?

In my dream, I was living in a large house and it was nighttime. The house was structured like my dad's house, but the walls were white, the floors wooden, and everything felt cold and untouched. In my dream I was married and had a daughter. My daughter came to our bedroom that night and said she didn't want to go to bed. We were robbed a few nights before, and she was too frightened. When I told her it was ok to stay up, my husband became angry and demanded she go to bed. I could see how sad she was, so I knelt down for her to hug me. It was a very long and sad hug. I can't forget how her little arms felt, and how lost she looked. It's kind of weird for me to have such a dream, since I'm only 17 years old. When I woke up I was so sad because I couldn't find a way to comfort her.

How many lie has the RNC told about healthcare reform?

Countless. Conservatives never wanted health care reform in the first place, like they never wanted Medicare. The definition of conservative is opposed to change, and there is apparently more money in working for insurance companies than there is in working for the public. It appears that they will do everything they can to water down the bill and then not vote for it anyway, since they can't kill it altogether. The plan seems to be to block the public option so the insurance companies won't have any competition and can continue to raise premiums, causing the number of uninsured to increase. If they require those people who can't afford it now to buy from private insurance companies, as the premiums go up and coverage goes down, they can blame the Democrats, because Conservatives won't even vote for the bill after they have ruined it. The fact that health care reform is President Obama's top priority gives them another unreasonable reason to work to make it fail. If so many people didn't stand to lose so much you could almost feel sorry for the party, which is disintegrating before our eyes and stubbornly goes deeper into the elitism, bitter partisanship, and obstructionist policies that got them into trouble in the first place.

My 1993 ford explorer makes a rapid pinging sound in the engine when under load?

I changed from arco to shell because i was told it contained less ethanol and would make the pinging stop. Well it didnt and i am little concerned because i dont want to cause any internal damage to my engine. I have a new fuel filter so that cannot be it. Is it the octane or is it the fuel pump?

I need help with my homework asap!!!?

i doubt ull get all the answers ebcause it is soo long, and if u payed attention in cl u would use the skills u learend to answer ur questions ur self.

Legal Question about First Offenses?

My sister was recently arrested for shoplifting. She stole a pair of jeans and a vest from a department store, was caught, apprehended and taken to the police station. She was released 45 minutes later, she has NO criminal record and this is her FIRST offense. The total value of the items stolen were around $105 and they were taken back by the department store. She has a had a couple traffic tickets, one in which her license was suspended because of an unpaid ticket, but that was resolved immediately. Her concern is that she will go to jail, because it is her first offense and the monetary value of the items is so small in retrospect, I am trying to console her. I sincerely doubt she will go to jail, my guess is that she will receive some sort of fine, possible community service and/or probation. Can anyone shed some light on this? Also she is pregnant with her second child and a recent single parent, will this play into account? Could anything happen to her children? Can anyone shed some light on this please? Thank you.

Christians: How do atheists have such a strangle hold on our (American) educational system?

From what I gather from this forum and a few statistics I've seen, the majority of the US doesn't accept the theory of evolution. Apparently, eighty-some percent of this country believes that the Judea-Christian God is responsible for the creation of the universe and life on this planet. With such an overwhelming majority, how does "creation science" stay out of public schools? They've stripped it down enough that it isn't affiliated with any religion; it doesn't violate our constitutional rights of separation of church and state, so why has it not been taught as a viable alternative to evolution? Our president (and presumably many others in D.C.) starts everyday with a prayer and has regular meetings with the pope, so it isn't the people in power holding it back. So, what's the deal? Does creationism / ID really have no leg to stand on or what?

What is the thing that dumbledore says to Harry about being not sad for the dead but for those who live.?

without love. I saw someone write in another language a quote from Deathly Hollows (either part 1 or 2 ..not sure) somewhere along the lines of "don't be saddened for the dead, Harry, be saddened for those who love without love".

Why does my puppy's burps smell like farts?

4 month old labrador. This week I have seen him eat poo a couple of times but that was short lived. We thought he had been farting lately but I notice that it was when burped. It smells like a fart! Should I wait to take him in, or is this bad?

Upload Pictures Onto Facebook From LG Tritan ?

iHave a lg tritan & iWant to upload pics to facebook from the phone . iHavee triedd the unique email that facebook gives you , but iDoesntt workk . Is there anything else iCan doo ???

Monday, August 15, 2011

How much does snowboarding gear cost?

I've lived in Michigan for a long time and I'm use to the winters here but I've been cooped up in this house so much recently I feel like I'm going to lose my mind. I figured I might give snowboarding a shot since there is a snowboarding resort right down the road. First thing's first though, between the goggles, boots, helmet, and snowboard, how much will it cost all in all?

Why are the American people so against a "Wall Street Bailout", when these Billionaires deserve it?

When will ordinary Americans except they are second-cl citizens & human beings compared to the "Wall Street Barons", who are the elite of all of America, who have ordered the low-life ordinary folks to support a bailout and want the U.S. Congress to step & fetch them $800 billion dollars for starters, then several other defaults will follow and they will come back for more with an unlimited amount to be handed over when they snap-their-fingers! Remember, they are above the law, they make bad-decisions and investments and they expect to be rewarded! CEO's, who fail are to be given million of dollars and allow them to retire in the lap of complete luxury, while ordinary Americans go without adequate food, housing, medical and health care and a complete lack of opportunity to better themselves as "Wall Street" sent their jobs abroad for more & more profit at the direct expense of ordinary, average Americans! These "Wall Street" Billionaires are Adolf Hitler's Aryan Race...the "Super-Humans", who deserve anything & everything and ordinary Americans serve them....the MASTERS of all humanity! George W. Bush is their leader at this time and he has said, there will be a bailout and Conservative Republicans "Be Damned"! Those who serve "Common Folks" in the U.S. Congress are fools! Give the Billionaires whatever they want...should it be $1 dollar or $800 trillion dollars, our future generations need to be saddled with so much debt they are born into global slavery...peasants at the mercy of the "Great Global Wealth" and those that control it throughout the world! Ordinary citizens and common folk should crawl like the dogs they are and hand the money over to Billionaires, so they can become Trillionaires! Remember, these are the "Super-Human Race Adolf Hitler Created" and they are alive and well on "Wall Street", hurry hand over more and more and more and more money this nation does not have while ordinary Americans go without more and more and more and more! The U.S. Congress will determine whether all Americans count for anything or not! No Bailout, under any cirstances...let "Wall Street and all the other cheats, crooks and frauds", figure it out themselves how to correct their failures and criminal acts against this nations economy and well being! No Bailout, No Tax-Payer backed money! Strip the "Wall Street" crooks of every penny they have and have them lined up and shot for treason against America through nothing more than pure greed! No Bailout! A Bailout is a Sell-Out of the American people!

With Spagnuolo should the Rams draft Jenkins or Curry instead of OL?

The honestly could go to just about any player in the draft. I still think they will take either Smith from Bama or Oher from Ole Miss. One other options they have is Crabtree from TT but they need more help on the O line and i think thats the way they will go. There is no way they will get anyone to take a trade for the pick but you never know i think they are stuck with that pick due to economics around the football world no one wants to pay the rookie salaries that have gotten out of control due to corrupt agents that are ruining the league . So i have the feeling they will pick O line on their first 2 draft picks

What kinda person do you think of when you hear this name?

Gwen, Short for Gweneth, I REALLY like this name, but when ever I hear it I think of a goth chick... I need a new image.. So.. what do you think someone named Gwen would be? Personality and appearance wise??? Also, is it Gweneth or Gwenyth? For some reason I was thinking it was gwenyth but I looked it up and all I got was Gweneth? I really don't care how it's spelled.. I just want to spell it the RIGHT WAY! Thanks! =)

Help me pick out a hair color? (:?

I read an article on a website that explains about the types of hair color issued by Wella, maybe you can see and read it here:

Please can you help!?

I have a fancy dress party to go to and I wanted to go with my partner as the Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet when Juliet's family were hosting the fancy dress party! I think Romeo (Leonardo DiCaprio) was a Knight? And Juliet (Claire Danes) was an Angel? Does anyone know where I can get similar outfits from? Even if it's just the metal top bit of Romeos costume. Thank you xx

What treatment would be necessary in this case of getting shot?

I am writing a weird sort of social commentary - bizarre story about Santa Claus (who is a casino owning vietnam veteran gang leader) getting framed for the murder of the Easter Bunny (a drug trafficker). I told you it was weird, but either way, in the story a detective trying to clear a Santa's name goes to interrogate someone who gets his head hit by a sniper rifle with a suppressor. Later on he gets shot by the the sniper from the eighth floor. The bullet scs his leg and he makes a tourniquet out of a belt. He then goes up the elevator to confront the sniper armed with a shotgun. He once again gets shot in a different leg and the shoulder. I want to know what type of treatment he would have to be given and how long before he was back on his feet.

When the Republicans slander Obama and bring out the operatives to destroy him, will you regret your vote.?

The Democrats shoot themselves in the foot, once again. If you think Bush was bad, wait til you get a load of Huckney..

I need biology help! Which one of the following molecules serve to interact with the world around us?

Interact is the key word. Proteins are structural molecules that build up many of the body's tissues. They are found in all cells and most of all they are found in muscles.

Bathroom smells like rubbing alcohol?

If either the shower or bath tub has not been used for a while the water in the J shaped drain will evaporate, causing sewer or septic gas to enter the room. Run hot water for a minute or so into the drain. If that's the problem it should clear the odor...

Im thinking of starting a website? (Read inside please!)?

So im thinking of starting a website....... But i want it to be a buisness type website.... Like selling clothes,toyd,and things like that for Animals. I DO know how to knit very well and im not very good at crocheting but i know how to (a little) So do u think that i could pull off a selling website? What would i have to do to start one?

I just found a movie for sale on

I just found a movie for sale on It's from an indy film company that I shot a short horror film that I wrote with. The full length film they are selling looks like it is from a script I sent them and based on the horror character I created in the short. The problem is, I haven't heard from these people in over a year and a half. I had the script I sent them registered with WGA from before. What are my rights concerning this? What should I do about this?

Where can i watch the ravens and falcons game live online for free? just scroll down throught the channels and you will see the NFL NEtwork, its about a minute or two behind real time but its the best i can find

Where can I have statistical examples of a frequency table and histogram that are true statistics?

I need to find true statisticals of a frequency table and examples of one...please help!!!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Help on needed on G41MT-ES2L?

best thing for you to do is ring up a few places first & ask for prices & specs then do a price comparison online.. now trying to search for the cheapest online could take hours so i recommend you just download this free web app that I use to buy anything online.. it basically works with any search engine like will do a quick automatic price comparison for you on all online stores showing lowest to highest prices including product photos.. see how you go

Once your child is born, what is the first lullaby you will sing to him or her?

i started singing baby balooga and now im starting to sing nothing even matters by lauryn hill. i really like it. its nice and mellow. but i usually sing what comes to mind first lol. oh sweetest thing by lauryn hill is great too. the music is relaxing.

Canadian Provincial Politics question?

Provincial and Federal ridings have different lines – they aren’t the same for both and running for both would be like having 2 jobs…like working at the local Tim Hortons AND at the Head office in Toronto…you can’t be both places at once. So, while I don’t know of any law forbidding someone from holding both positions at the same time, a person could not be very effective in either position while holding both positions.

Veronica Mars Fans Out There?

Im making a video about the tough times of veronica mars, however not with veronica. Anyone can name some scenes where Veronica had to comfort someone?... like the logan breakdown in 1x15

Help tranistiioning 11 week old boy from cradle swing to crib.?

My 11 week old son is about 11-1/2 lbs and will only sleep in the Fisher Price cradle swing at night and in my arms during the day. I started trying to transition him to the crib for naps and after he's slept in my arms for 30 minutes or so, I put him down but he just starts stretching and wakes up. I've tried the positioners and he doesn't seem to like it... I've rolled up blankets and that doesn't work either. I put a small blanket in there with my scent but it's not enough. He has one of the Fisher Price puppy toys but nothing is working. Any suggestions cause I'd like him to tart sleeping in his crib as I feel it's safer... PS I am not for the cry it out method so please don't suggest that...

How do casinos make their money?

I'm honestly really curious, if all the buy in money goes to the winners, how do the big casinos make money during blackjack/Texas hold em/etc. games? It's been bothering me for a while... do they get a portion of the buy in?

My ear bleeded when i tried to put the new stud, is it infection or will it get well

I pierced my ear a month back and yest i remoeved it for the 1st time to try something new. The earring went in but wasnt koming out. It finally did but a but of blood and puss came out. so when it bleeded i removed it for a while and i tried putting it back in like two hour. it tuk time and went in easily but again wasnt komin out from the back and gave me pain. my ear pains when i touch and i can feel the pain only on the backside. So if there an infection or will it get well. i felt the piercin in closing. please help me out. i cant even spin the earring koz it pains in the back and for how long do u think i should keep it on fromm today onwards.. thankss

What type of clothing should i wear for my 100m sprint (loose, tight etc)?

I got my athletics carnival coming up, and its in 2 weeks time, and i though about what i should wear for my 100m sprint, does wearing compression shorts make you run faster?

Making a farewell video for my friend..any ideas??plz help?

You could start the video out with a clip or a reminder about a specific memorable moment (it could be funny, etc..) and then go from there.

Save from extinction?

Mankind saved the buffalo from the brink of it possible that we can save the Polar Bear? Will we have to"round them up" and move them to a different location?

My husband and our lack of life?..How do i get him to be more open in talking about this?

Maybe for him it's y when you come on to him? Some guys are just like that. He's obviously waiting for you to make the move and if you really want you'd go for it. Some guys just like for women to be more ertive. It may give him a sense of control/ makes him feel more masculine by making you come to him. And it may take extra work to arouse him because he is over the age of 40, OH maybe he has erectile dysfunction have him go to the doctor for a check up because erectile dysfunction can be a sign of a more serious problem. Even if he may be embarring for him you really need to get him to see a doctor just in case.

Why are most of us getting our news from Comedy Central?

In the midst of this Sanchez-Stewart tiff, I never realized how many people got the nes from these guys. The dorm never has news reporting on. Only Colbert and Stewart. Is this true for most 18-30 year olds?

To anyone who went to booker middle shcool (sarasota FL) in 2003!!?

i'm trying to find a book i read in 7th grade, i dont remember the title or auther, and i cant remember the teacher's name. i have a horrable memory :/ but i really want to find this book, it was about a boy on his way to see his dad when the pilot of the plane had a heart attack and the plane crashed. the boy servived and lived stranded on an island. he would sleep in a cave and made fire by using a hatchet and hitting it on the cave wall. he fished and ate turttle eggs to survive. if this sounds familliar at all please let me know, anything will help! and first person to give me the right title gets best answer!! :D thanks so much for your help!!

What games can a run on a intel gma x4500?

my pc specs are 4 gb ddr3 2.8 pentium dualcore and x4500 i want to know whta game i can run and run them at a 25+fps

Titration, wash bottle, increased volume of acid, no effect?

While doing a titration, it is permissible to use a wash bottle to wash down any material that may have splashed higher up in the flask. This would appear to increase the volume of acid in the flask. Why will it have no effect on the results?

Please help anyone who know Hughes' campus training programme!!!?

You already posted this query in Computer Networking category. a href=";_ylt=Ak4vOzBXpPTwZe5S6vW.3EN2HQx.;_ylv=3?qid=20071021011334AATDs6I"…/a

Trade Help? AP and Brees?

In my yahoo fantasy football league, ive been offered a trade. I would give up Drew Brees and Brandon Jacobs for Adrian Peterson and Jay Cutler. What should I do? Please explain.

China-U.S.A business possibility?

I am a Bangladesh Citizen, Living in Guangzhou, China. For last one year my China company is acting as a buying house for Bangladeshi Importers. If I want to have some of U.S customer for Chinese goods, what will be the best approach for me to find importers from U.S for furniture, Electrical goods, Baby goods, etc.? I have never been to U.S and I dont want to visit there right now.

Help! In the book Savage Inequalities which theoretical paradigms is represented?

As 'Kozol argues that racial segregation is still alive and well in the American educational system, due to the gross inequalities that result from unequal distribution of funds' (web site 1) then the 'conflict' paradigm' is the major influence guiding his research and ysis.

The Denver Broncos, Baltimore Ravens, and Pittsburgh Steelers all have a (9-7) record- Who's in the Playoffs?

Ravens and Broncos. Heard tonight that if more than two teams are tied for the wild card, both teams cannot be from the same division. If Pittsburgh wins next week, they would have split the season series. The Ravens would have a better divisional record and would get in over the Steelers. In that case, it wouldn't matter that the Steelers beat the Broncos.

Tips for dyeing my hair with manic panic purple dye?

I have dirty blonde hair, which i am lightening over the summer with a heavy dose of sun in. I want to dye my hair with Manic Panic Purple Haze or UltraViolet. Any tips for beginners? I've never dyed before and i'd like some help, thank you

How many miles is it to mow this yard?

It's a 1.03 acre property with a house with a 600 square foot footprint, a circular pool that's 18 feet wide, a driveway that's about 10x30 feet. The mower seems to have a cutting area of 20 inches. What's the minimum amount of travel a lawn mower would go to mow this lawn?

Have you ever been punished for doing nothing wrong?

That is completely unfair I blame society and the bloody government, Sadly this does happen at lot but to men and women, she should be ashamed of herself. in answer to your question tho im a twin and I always used to get the blame for something my sister did!!

Am I wrong to get irritated with people who make sweeping (and borderline paranoid) generalizations?

Yes you are. Stop letting it bother you, you can't change him, so why waste the effort. You know he's wrong, leave it at that. Why do you have to be so "pushy" as to think it is your RIGHT to change his mind. Just leave the old man alone.

Why is it important when measuring the pH of several solutions using a pH...?

distilled water is used to rinse out any excess H+ or OH- ion that might be left on electrode which would interfere with reading pH of next solution

How did they determine that it was Benoit that did it?

What did they do to come to a conclusion it was Chris, and how do they know the days that they each died on?

Wife now gets accused of slander by mistress?

There is a situation where a married man has done some really bad stuff with his teacher mistress. His superior at his work suggested that one of his colleagues should email all their colleagues telling them what a deadbeat dad and adulterer and irresponsible morally corrupt cad he is.I think he and his mistress are filing reports to the police saying his wife and children are slandering him. They are threatening the wife and kids. The husband gives no money to the family and I think has deserted them. He is travelling all over the world with his woman. The wife is terrified of him and of his threats and a lot of his colleagues are I think disgusted by his behaviour. She is afraid to divorce him as he has made these threats. His children hate him for what he has done to their mom when she was ill. Is the mistress able to sue her for libel and defamation of character, because she is a teacher? Is the husband able to use all this in a divorce case to damage his wife and kids

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Improving atmosphere / workout at a gym?

well you should try to change it up aa little so it doesnt become boring.and second I dont know but get some good mellow cds or coach always takes away our rap cds and puts in oldies like marvin gaye or something.the oldies actully lighten the atmosphere a ton lmao

For those of you that think the Beatles released every single unreleased song, you are wrong.?

i've got rocker, and carnival of light, but there are loads of other ones that they recorded but didn't release, such as What a Shame Mary Jane? , Suzy Parker,.....

Is it fair that the maximum income on which FICA is obtained be raised, if a maximum Soc Sec benefit exists?

Social Security benefits are based on the workers average indexed monthly wage. You get maximum benefits if you earned the maximum amount subject to Social Security for all of your working life. If the wage ceiling is raised, maximum benefits will follow.

Heart palpitations - anxiety remnants?

purely psychological episodes, probably anxiety, you need a clinical psychology counselling and you will be alright with little effort from your side.

American Idol 8's winner? Isn't this further proof?

I stopped watching AI a couple of seasons ago because I was sick and tired of the best singers getting voted off early (with the exceptions of Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood, "America" got it wrong every year) Some people speculate that it's not America that decides, that it's the producers of the show who pick will win the title of "American Idol". Based on the fact that Kris Allen's record sales were so poor, and the fact that at least 3 "winners" have been dropped from their contracts, isn't this further proof that it in fact IS the producers who are picking the winners and not the American public? Why would America give all these votes to these people and then not buy their albums when they're released? It makes no sense to me.

Do you guys like this poem?

I love it. I don't read a lot of poetry, but I think it was amazing. I think you should write some more, and if you did, I want to read it. But I do have one question. Is this a true story?

Thoughts on my Boy Names?

Why do people these days insist on naming their kids Thaddeus and Donovan and Jeremiah and stuff like that? What happened to Bobby and Johnny and Bill? Peter and Paul? Robert, James, or Tommy?

Attracted to woman with boyfriend - advice needed?

If she can do that to her Current boyfriend then she can do it to you too if something more does happen. Keep the relationship but keep it at a friend level, that way you arent hurting anyone! Maybe ask her what her game is or her intentions, but i say leave it as friends xxx

Author Thesis, pick an easy/worthwhile author for me? 10-15 pages?

i would pick Twain. you can certainly find some recurring themes in some of his books. i also think his books are fairly easy to read.

Did Jesus Change The OT Law?

Christ did not change the Mosaic Law, but fulfilled it. The Mosaic Law was a type or shadow of what was to come, that is Christ and the Mosaic Law pointed all to Christ. When Christ came, the Mosaic Law was fulfilled in Christ.

What is my personality?!?

okay well heres the deal, i am trying to figure out what category my personality falls under so please give me your honest to god open(: About myself: i am 17 yrs old, i am and A and B student, scored 27 on my ACT, i enjoy playing soccer, playing the guitar (both electric and acoustic), swimming, working out, playing vid games!, love to write about anything (my pion), i love to play with my hair/ makeup, i love to skateboard, i listen to rock music and ONLY rock music (fav band is escape the fate(;), i use the word man and like a LOT, i always have something to talk about, but i only speak when spoken too. i love to wear billabong, hurley, victorias secret, journeys, roxy, and kira, i wear moccasins, vans, and chucks, hmmm much more than that but pretty much the basics. help me find out who i am!!!

What is the name of the made for TV doentary/ show about how beer has affected human evolution?

Possibly "How Beer Saved the World". a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What is his problem? Why does he need to avoid me?

well, this has happened to me before, too. He might have been told some lies about you. I hate it when that happens. it happens to me alot. i am soo sorry, hun ! :( Really, i feel your pain ! Well im 13. (: hehe. lol Well if you ever need anybody to talk to, im here for yaa.(: <33 Good luckkk!

How many girls here lift their leg when farting?

Well, first of all, you'd have to be a girl and admit you shamelessly fart. And if so, do you often lift a leg while standing to fart? Or lean to one side when sitting? How come? Also, I wondered is there an actual slang for lifting a leg to fart? If not, there should be one. Because I mean c'mon, it's too long to type "lift a leg to fart."

Heath Ledger death theories?

Um, yes I know this has been discussed millions of times over and I know it's not respectful really to discuss how one dies but I'm so curious about this...and I've seen some pretty horrid conspiracies about his death regarding Jack Nicholson. People always jump to the conclusion that Heath was doing heroin or crack or something. I see it everywhere, I mean, I thought this was just a simple anxiety-based situation where he ODed on sleeping pills after his joker role...

I would like to file for full custody of my stepsister but my mom...?

You need to but the pros and cons of this situation. Your mom is a grown women unhappy of her life that's why she does what she does, Like I said she is a grown women capable of taking care of herself on the other side Sarah has had a super hard life she needs you support 100% of the way, you need to protect her from everything and everyone including your mom. Sarah only has you!! Do whats best for sarah. Don't worry of the consequences do what you have to do. This world need more people with your kind of heart to help others. Sorry but child support should go to Sarah and where she lives.

How many of you have used Bioband for morning sickness relief?

i had a very bad case of morning sickness with my daughter, and now I'm planning to get pregnant again, but I'm scared stiff of morning sickness woes! I read somewhere that the Bio band wrist band works very well for MS. Has any of you used it before for MS? Any testimonies? did it work or not? Please Help! Thanks!

My windshield wipers lever broke how do i fix it?

My windshield wipers work perfectly it's the lever that broke off and is now hanging. Well it didn't just fall or drop off by itself there's a story behind it but i just don't want to explain. Anyways, some guy said that a regular mechanic can't fix it. He said i had to take it to like an electrician.. ?? (HU.? car electrician??) Then he said i had to go get the lever from a junk yard. My question is, should i really do that? Do i really have to go to a junk yard? but i just don't really know much about cars. My dad and brother usually deal with my car problems i'm just tired of telling them my problems. Anyways, i live in the East bay area in california and i need to know what to do.. ANY SUGGESTIONS???


no , no jesus is not god or the god's son , god has no sons god is god and there is only one god ,jesus is a Messenger form god

Dumb question I know, but did anyone besides me not get that the guy in the Skittles commercial was a pinata??

pinata pronounced pin-ya-ta. Computers don't have those little squiggly things to put over the "n".

What movies should i get for friday night?? help please?

okay i know this is long but bear with me..i'm having some friends over friday for a movie night.. i want some movies that we havent seen.. last weekend we watched candy(with heath ledger) and we loved it..we've also watched ten things a hate about you, fast times at ridgemont high, and mystic pizza together..i hope that helps you know what kind of movies we like.. we also want a good scary movie that isnt cheesy or stupid.. also wondering how half nelson and the usual suspects are??thanks to everyone that answers!!

When are the YA Cons going to stand up and support Our President's strategy in Afghanistan?

When he converts to a Republican conservative. Of course. Or simply does as they tell, him like a good boy.

Mobile speed camera.... grrrr?

I was driving along behind a car (in a 60mph area) who was doing 45-50 mph,so as a few cars behind me had overtaken me and the car in front of me,i decided to follow. As I overtook my speed went up to just under 70 mph,but as soon as i pulled back in i slowed back to 60,i then noticed a mobile speed camera parked about a mile up the road with the camera facing me and by the time i ped it i was doing 50 mph. i was only over the speed limit while overtaking,would i have been caught or what will happen if anything?

Friday, August 12, 2011

This guy wont move on!?

ok so I found out this guy likes my friend, and he has for a while. But then earlier in the year, he started to like me, I told him I wasnt interested, so he went back to liking my friend. But she likes somone else, and he knows that! And now he's like, writing songs and poems, and my friend is getting annoyed by it, what should i do??!!!!ANd he is the type of guy who is super sweet abut has the mpst ANNPYING SIDE EVER!!!!! Thanks in advance guys!

A Journey Through Life /? are my fav on Yahoo Answers... I know I can count on you for a funny joke or uplifting story when I need it most. Thanks darling, you are the best!!!

Will sending IMs on Google Talk count as text messages on my BlackBerry Curve?

I have a BlackBerry Curve with an unlimited data plan but no unlimited text messaging and I would like to use an instant messenger on my phone (besides BlackBerry Messenger, as not everyone I know owns a BlackBerry), but according to at&t's website, IMs from AIM, Yahoo Messenger and Windows Live Messenger count as text messages. So my question is, if I use Google Talk, will it also count as text messages or will it use up my data plan only? Thanks in advance.

Do u think i could be pregnant?

we BD 3 days befor, during, and 2 days after ovulation. im 9dpo. i am bloated, sore , irritable, breaking out, hungry all the time, mild cramping here and there, and last night had bad cramping for bout 4 hours on and off. does it sound like i could be pregnant?

Do you have any practical thoughts for use of these food stuff?

Uh oh, not the cooking stuff...I am not good at it that's why I wonder sometimes why my husband is still with me, hahaha! All I know is that a bit of oyster sauce is yummy with any steamed vegetables (asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower and the likes). I'll just wait for your next question 'coz I won't be able to help you that much on this one.

I hope i did this right im trying to "fix" my computer i play alot of online games and want it to run faster?

Depending on what games you play, you might want to upgrade to windows 7. and upgrade your processor and RAM. Also what kind of video card do you have?

Is This A Good Poem?

Very good. Some of my best poems were written because of the things in life that affected me deep inside. Therefore enabling me to express my deeper feelings with in the words of a poem. It is one of the best ways to vent our feelings to where we don't hold them inside but yet letting them out in a healing way.

How long can I keep a pot of stew stewing in a crock pot?

I would say overnight.. and thats about it.. cause i had tried to go two days.. and if you have meat in it.. thats not good.. so.. about a full day.. and then you should put in fridge and reheat...

How many chromosomes are there in the initial cell in meiosis?

Is it 46 logous pairs of chromosomes or 46 chromosomes? See teacher says the former but text says the latter. The text says the inital cell has 46 chromosomes duplicates in the first stage, but the teacher says they are already in pairs in the initial cell which makes it 92 chromosomes. Either way makes sense, but which one is it? I mean in the end the four cells (gametes) should equal to 23 apiece..

Texing an EX Help......?

You should text him. If it bugs you then there is no reason to make yourself suffer over wondering if you should talk to him or not. Talk to him and get it over with that way you'll feel better :-) there's no harm in it and you have nothing to lose only to gain :-)

Teenage girl who put on 3kgs suddenly, help shifting them very fast?

I was 53.5 kgs about 2 weeks ago and now i'm about 56 and really really unhappy about it. Im 15 and 165cm (5'5). Please help me!

Can i do upper body and lower body in da same then skip a day and cont da routine?

If your trying to build muscle I wouldn't suggest it. I do a different muscle group every day. But if your just trying to stay healthy then I don't think it would matter.

I skateboard Goofy but Ollie Regular!?

I suggest you to stick to where you can push comfortably. So you need to learn to ollie goofy but keep the regular ollies. You just need to practice it a lot and it will catch up on your regular foot.

Really need people help i will pick best answer?

Your doing good where you are. You need to tell her this part and that you'll work hard just like you are now and if you don't you'd go back to the school you presently are attending.

Did any gay people here vote yes on Proposition 8 in California, or would have if you don't live in California?

Um, I think you have more pressing issues in California now, such as where your next meal is gonna come from?

Who do you want to win the Super Bowl?

I want the packers to win, but they probably not going to because the Steelers are cheaters! No inappropriate language please...or little stars to replace the language or dots...

Expressing a vector in terms of the other two?

OK so I'm reviewing my midterm exam and my teacher pulled some answer out of nowhere. In the question I have three vectors [1, -1, 3], [-1, -1, 7], and [2, -1, 1] transposed. He wrote something down like insert X3=2 for the last vector but I have no idea how he got that. I just wanna know where do you start.

Bands like the flo bots rise against and rage against the machine? can go two ways here. Either be more rap-oriented like common or be more rock oriented like the bands u just listed. Politics is a main topic in a lot of megadeth songs so if u can try heading down that path. its up to you

Mexican Govt. is proposing an Energy Referendum which includes refining their own oil instead of sending it to

the U.S. With all the talk about us not having enough refineries, will this move help the energy problems in the U.S. or add to them? I don't think people realize how much of U.S. refinery time is spent on foreign customers.

I hav my cl farewell party in lik a month....i'm 2 sing a song there ...what shud i sing?

i'm from india.............english/hindi songs pls...n...NOTE:easy to sing songs only......coz i'm not exactly an AwesuM singer or anythin.......just ok-ok.....:)

Is it pregnancy or menopause?

Im 41, and my period is 2 weeks late. My period had always been every 26 days since I was 14, but the one before this last one was at the 21st day and now is two weeks late. I was not taking the pill because my husband was working out of town for more than a month, and when he came I was not on my ovulation days anymore and I preferred to wait to start taking my 21 pill box. I have tried 4 pregnancy tests (the ones you buy at the supermarket) and they are negative.. Should I consider this might be the beginning of menopause or should I wait a little bit more to be sure Im not pregnant? Im feeling fine, just feel a little bit bloated at times...

Pregnant female cat aggression to clingy male?

dont send away make her worse,she be fine later but watch she might hiss more when kittens here,when my freinds cat had kittens the male snuggled up with them too

Need help from someone with subscription?

My ggrandmother was named Samantha Jane Shipp b. 6/26/1839(according to her death certificate). I found in a 1850 Jasper County, IA census a Ezekiel Shipp with daughters Sarah, Samantha and son William all born in IN. We can't find any birth records. Now I find a Ezekiel Shipley with same daughters and son but it shows the children born in IA. I know many sites get their information given from people which may not be accurate. I also understand that census info is transcripted and may not be read correctly or have typos. I see a Ezekiel Shipley in a 1880 census in IN. Could someone see if they can find birth records for Samantha or even a marriage record. Her first married name was King and then she married Wm. B. Gibson in Decatur County, IA. Thanks in advance for your time in helping me.

If I persist in believing Obama a Muslim, am I more likely Stubborn, a Bigot, a Racist, Ignorant, or spiteful?

I would have to say that you would have to be somewhat stubborn and a whole lot stupid. If Republicans would spend as much time trying to help get this country back in shape after the 8 miserable years of Bush, as they do trying to down Obama, maybe it would be fixed. I am so sick of hearing how he was not born here, how he is a closet socialist and a dozen other fabricated stories that people with the brains God gave a golfball believe to be gospel because they heard it on Fox News. (Faux News)

Free kids' audiobook/ podcasts I can download for my ipod?

If those books are not at your library, they cost money. Try audiobooks for your kids, a new iPhone app for only 99 cents. Http://

R&P: What do you think of this song of the day?

One of my favorite Pixies tracks. I remember this was the second Pixies song I had ever heard. I was looking them up online after watching Fight Club for the first time because I was blown away by Where Is My Mind. Then I stumbled upon Cactus and was blown away again, they've been one of my favorite bands ever since. Anyway, the Bowie cover is great too. Heathen is probably my favorite of his modern albums as well

Why are small wild birds generally less afraid of humans than larger ones ?

Goldcrests and robins can be approached very near, finches are fairly tolerant, woodpeckers fly off on sight of a human, larger birds stay well away.

BLINK 182 should I get actual seats or lawn tickets?

SEATS! if its closer! cause definately everyoe sitting would stand up :P hahaha HAVE FUN! i am sooo jealous! i love travis and tom delonge!

How difficult is it to get into college at age 26 without any type of income and no co-signers?

I would like to attend school full time/part time however, I have no job to pay for any loans or books and I have no support as far as family so that leaves me with no co-signers. I will apply for grants, however, grants will only cover a small portion of my college fees...Please help.

Big b wont bite! What lures do I use and how do I use them?

I live in Austin, Texas, and I recently found a stream/river near my house (Barton Springs) that has very clear water. Standing on the bank, I can see several very large b, along with some medium sized ones. I picked up some equipment, including 3/0 sized hooks, Zoom baby brush hog plastic lures (green), plastic worms (green), and black frog shaped plastic lures with neon green tails. All these pieces of equipment were recommended by an Academy employee. I have also used live worms. I have had absolutely no luck with these baits; I can see the b, and I drop the lure right in front of their faces (or near them), but they take no interest at all. I have only had luck catching a few small b using Powerbait Atomic Teaser lures. I am dying to catch one of these monsters, but nothing I use interests them at all. Please give me some tips on what to use and how to use it!!

Twilight Readers: Need help understanding New Moon,?

Felix and Demetri were sent by Aro to get Edward before he broke the law. They just need him to come back to the Volturi's castle. That's were Bella,Edward and Alice are taken but it's disguised as a buisness place

Are North Melbourne to blame for the Gold Coast team being brought in?

Its Brisbane's fault for this not North Melbournes. If the Lions did not win 3 in a row there probably would be a tie franchise. The AFL don't want to see a brisbane shut out like that again and hope another QLD team will evenly disperse the players.

Am I being TOO jealous? I NEED HELP PLEASE HELP?

I don't know whether I am being jealous for a reason or not. First of all my Girlfriend is in a choir and she noticed that the Choir conductor (same age as her) has been eyeing her A LOT and other people noticed it too. Also, she noticed that sometimes he stands too close to her when he is talking to her about something. She told me she feels very uncomortable, but when I tell her to talk to him about it she says "No! because I dont want to make anyone mad, and I don't want to become enemies with him and him to hate me." So I told her that I can talk to him, but she blew up even more saying, "NO!! If you ever do that I will never talk to you again! I'll just ignore him" and it makes me very mad that she wont talk to him and wont let me talk to him either. I know the conductor really well. And then yesterday she had a dream about him and her going on a date and she said that was freaky. Am I being Jealous or what? please help!!!

What is the commercial with Adrian Peterson?

In the commercial there is lady that walks into a pool and the guy she is with looks at Adrian Peterson highlights. Then Adrian Peterson walks out of the pool and the he says in a girls voice, "Are you imagining me as Adrian Peterson again?". Anyone know what company sponsed the commercial or a site where I can find it?

Sleeping partner makes me feel irrationally and selfishly angry and neglected, but I can't overcome it.?

you should relax...and maybe start getting into meditation which will allow you to clear your head and remove those poisonous thoughts.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Arent missionaries in a sense, just cultural imperialists?

They are even worse. They presume that their religion is better than others and they won't take No for an answer.

How are Texas rappers able to have have music careers w/out mainstream or out of state support?

It seems like a lot of mainstream Texan rappers like Slim Thug and Chamillionaire were able to make good money and sell a lot of records even before they hit the mainstream. And then you've got people like Lil' Keke (& Z-Ro somewhat) that are able to make it with seemingly mostly in state support.

Macduff or Banquo in "Macbeth"?

I received the part of Macduff in a production of "Macbeth" and was curious as to what would you prefer? Macduff has nearly a third more lines than banquo and also is a deeper, more enjoyable character to act, what do you think?

How to do this chem problem?

For the m of the solution just add together the m of the NaCl and the m of the 200ml of water which is 200 grams.

Earth moves more slowly in its orbit during summer in the northern hemisphere than during winter?

True. The Earth is somewhat farther from the sun in the northern summer, and will move more slowly around its orbit. When it gets closer to the Sun in the northern winter, its orbital speed will pick up. The same idea is found in skaters doing spins - as they bring their arms closer to their bodies, the spin will become faster.

Read my story and answer it?

We're not here to do your homework. Figure it out on your own! Your questions have been reported as well.

Adrian Peterson or Chris Johnson?

I pick AP for now and the whole season, but honestly who do you think is the better back, and i mean by just themselves not including the team or looking at stats. just wondering what err-one thinks

What does it take to charge someone with slander?

I went to court yesterday for allegations of Simple ault, Harment, and Disorderly in PA. While there, the so called victim had to tell her side of the story to the judge. My side of the story was never heard until my public defender went to the judge with it. Before I was even in the room, they had a two year probation period waiting for me because the victim told the judge all I do is sit around and smoke dope all day long. NOT TRUE. I have a daughter who I am at home with taking care of her all day. So I told them to drop it down to one year and after they heard my side of the story the ault charge was dropped, but I am still being put on probation with Drug/Alchohol essment and treatment. When I report to the probation office and my urine is completely clean of anything, can I come back and charge her with slander?

Are you upset with OBAMA signing the STIMULUS BILL, state your stats for comparison?

White male Republican. I recently came across Proverbs 24:27 which, loosely translated, means that a person should learn a trade, work in his/her trade and build up work ethics and credit, then build/buy a house with full intentions to pay it off. Obama is trying to save people with no work ethics and no intention to pay off their loans.

Why was president Herbert C. Hoover considered a conservative?

He was one of several progressive republicans, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln were two others.

Hades (teaming up) with Ares VS Satan: Who will sin (woops)...I mean win?

For those of you who don't know, Hades is the God of the Underworld, Ares is the God of War in Greek Mythology. And of course, Satan is the Devil according to Christianity.

Is this outfit ok? (its has to do with military attire)?

hi im 17 and am currently in the DEP prgram,we had a poole function and we're required to wear bdu pants, im going to my cousins so illwear them with brown sandals and a brown t shirt that we pt in, its almost 80 degrees, does this sound ok??

Which one?

Leasing a 9 or 10 year old car is a big mistake...especially those'll end up paying double what they are worth by the end of the lease. Save your money and wait. Those two were'nt the most relaible cars even when they were new.

Roswell aliens 1947? David Bowie 1947? Elton John 1947? Freddie Mercury 1946? Such great entertainers came?

during that period. Can you think of anyone else that's a great talent to be born around that same period of time?

Quality first car for a 16 year old? (I want an SUV/4x4 type car.)?

Try the old style Jeep Cherokees. They are a relatively cheap SUV and the 4cyl & 6cyl get pretty good gas mileage. They are safe, reliable, and fun to drive. If you are going to be driving a lot of people around all the time I would get a four door.

Should I do a chemical engineering major?

I am in high school. I am going to pursue chemical engineering in focus of pharmenticals in the United States. Is it a field availiable in Sri Lanka, the place I am going to settle after college.

Im Sick!!! Plz Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

just relax, drink water, and try to eat a little food in small amounts. hot tea helps a sore throat, and garlic is good for a cold. if this isn't gone in about three more days, see a doctor.

Is this the statement of a tea partier?

I follow the evidence. The evidence demonstrates that Saddam was involved with al Qaida at least indirectly since the early 90s.

What can I do legally about someone slandering me?

I broke up with my boyfriend of 2 years in January of 2008, since then I have had very little contact with him, but he has spent alot of time talking about me. On more than one occasion he has posted on the social website facebook, that I am HIV+ which I have had tests proving I am clean. Just today he emailed my brother's wife and informed her that I was HIV+ and to please notify my parents because they needed to know to take care of me. I have talked with my parents as well as the rest of my family to inform them that I am fine. If there is anyone that can please advise me on this, he has the entire town I grew up in believing that I am HIV+, someone please help I am very desperate for an answer. This individual has made my life a living nightmare since meeting him. I need help.

My van is overheating.?

My van started overheating even though it was full with fluids. I changed the thermostat on it but no change. The weird part is that it only gets warm when you slow down. I can be doing 75mph on the highway with no problem but as soon as I slow down or stop into the red it goes. Any ideas? It is a 1986 Chevy Astro van.


I want to travel all around the united states. Iwant to know the main places to travel in every state. Like in Idaho you have to go to yellowstone national park. You dont have to list every state just as much as you know.

Will a guy 6'4" 300lbs fit comfortable in a ford probe?

Thinking about getting a ford probe and was curious if i would have any trouble. I'm pretty much balanced between leg and torso length.

Favorite lines from Lullabies or?

I'm looking for lines from lullaby songs most importantly such as 'Rock a bye baby' Any Mom's or Dad's out there with favorite lines?

Is it possible to raise my college GPA to a 4.0?

Im not sure exactly how the 4.0 system works but I would say that the only way to get a 100% average is if everything grade you have is 100%. I think that a 99% can be rounded to a 4.0 so yes you can achieve it... but yeah good luck on that!

Why is the onion root tip used so much for showing mitosis?

It's funny. We just did the onion root tip lab in my biology 1 cl (I'm in 10th grade) where we had to identify prophase, metaphase, anaphase, etc, and that night I went to see Twilight and they did the same exact lab! So I was just wondering why exactly the onion root tip is used for showing mitosis in plant cells so often.

Did Skid Row Steal Parts of Boston's "More Than A Feeling" to Make "I Remember You"?

I asked this awhile ago but didn't really get an answer. The intro to both songs sound very, very similar and so do some of the song breaks. Any chance that Skid Row did a little bit of borrowing?

Do u know the song "love me dead" by ludo?

im listening to this as i write this btw. ok so im obsessed with this song but no one knows it. i've seen the video on the top 20 countdown. but is it on the radio? does anybody on here even know it???

Muay thai kickboxing search?

I really want to start learning this martial art, however due to me having specific requirements, i am 14, and it has to be local i am having trouble finding a club i can join. I live in kent and need to have a local club that i can get to within half an hour i live in medway area in kent. If people could just give me clubs and maybe a timetable then this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, and if you do private tutoring and stuff locally please post this as well. I want as many possibilities as i can have. Once again thanks in advance.

Is it too much to ask for more time with family and myself from my husband?

Your concerns are valid and actions undertstandable due to the cirstances. It sounds like you truly want to rekindle things with your husband and would like nothing more than to bond again and enjoy some much needed quality time together. There is no way around this: you must attempt to discuss this with your husband. My mother always said, "it's not what you say, but how you say it," so sincerity and truthfulness is paramount. I wouldn't know what your husband can "work out" to not spend so much time at work and still bring in an amount you guys need to maintain your standard of living, but looking into and discussing options is the only way to get the ball rolling on this. If you meet resistance from your hubby, then that will kinda tell you where you stand too. I will ponder your situation a little more, please feel free to e-mail me and we could discuss this further if you wish. Take care and good luck.

What kind of Routine for bedtime for my 4 month old?

Babies LOVE routine I agreed with the first answer You should give baby a bath every night since you can't not give her a bath Also a bath helps baby go to sleep So I suggest sticking to the routine you have now you don't want to disrupt it now just keep doing what you are doing Nothing will happen to her if she gets a bath every day

Looking for Family with surname Butler Cindy, Gary and Beth from Trenton New Jersey?

Trying to trace this family who will be in their50s now and lived in Trenton New Jersey in the late 60s.

Are these songs clean and fun for a grad party? Suggestions will be taken too!?

All Sounds Good :) Have most of those songs and I LOVE them! More Gaga, Katy Perry, or Adam Lambert would be nice. LOL

If a plane really hit the pentagon on 9/11 how come there are no photos showing a airliner crashing ?

I mean really now, all the cameras around the pentagon and no solid photo evidence, It does not make sense.

If some flunkie in a news room makes a typo on a screen, is it a international incident?

Some flunkie in the fox news room type a D behind Sanford's name. Now it is an international incident and media matters is making a HUGE issue about it. When did you become so petty?

Whats your take?

whats your take on the Da Vinci code? do you believe in it or not? it makes you think. but they may be just trying to mess with your head.

How can you be so sure that every single word was inspired by God..?

great statement. Any yet many religious people still refuse to even bother asking such questions. They simply accept what is told to them by religious leaders

Why do people remove the "LOST DOG" signs ?

it really saddens me too see that the poster for my lost dog has been removed what is that??? why are people mean?? I don't care if you are one of those people you are mean . I still put another over and over again until I find her.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Tashard Choice or Darren Sproles ? [Week 7] Return league?

go with Sproles....Felix Jones is expected to be back this week and should cut into the already small 10 to 15 carries a game Choice was receiving while Jones was out. Even with LT back pounding away Sproles will still return kicks and get the occasional change of pace carries

CW - Supernatural was supposed to be on why is Nikita on!? Where's the new episode!?

Some markets didn't show VD and Nikita last night,so the CW decided to re-air them tonight. I can understand trying to push new shows,but at the expense of a mid-season premiere? Smallville and Supernatural will now premiere on the 4th. Yeah,bad move CW. VD and Nikita suck .

Gas fireplace flame keeps going off after 20 seconds.?

As winter season is coming, I maintained gas fireplace and found something wrong. I turn main gas valve on, switch nob from 'off' to 'pilot' and press & hold ignite on. Small light on bottom burner comes on. Turn the nob to 'on' position, and turn the main switch on. Flame lasts about 25 seconds and goes off immediately. Totally goes off. Even small light on bottom burner goes off. I need to start it again from the beginning over and over. What did I wrong? Please advise.

Very urgent!!! Can anybody give me some advice?!?

I just moved to a new school in November and became friends with this one boy in my cl. I realized that I have a crush on him. Well yesterday on our way to science cl we were lined up outside the room we go to for science and he started smiling and bouncing. He said: "Im soooo happy!!!" I asked why and he said it's cuz of Valentines Day. Again I asked why and he said it's cuz he has a girlfriend. I felt a cold shock go through my stomach and said: "Oh, cool" and then we went into the clroom. I talked to him again this morning cuz science was right before we go home. Anyway he started bouncing again this morning and said: "You know why I'm so happy?!?" I told him: "Yes, you told me yesterday." he forgot that he told me and went "I did? Oh yeaaaah I remember." We were talking again after recess and he said that he wanted to kill this one girl and when I asked why he told me: "She makes fun of me and __ ( second girl )" I asked what the second girl had to do with this and he said: "Oh, well she's my girlfriend." another cold shock went through my stomach. This time I was kinda cool with it tho. cuz I knew the girl and she's sweet, kind, funny, pretty. A. K. A. Just about perfect for him. I was glad he wasn't lying and later when I saw her in the hall I was mad. I was thinking about maybe buying him a carnation from the school's flower sale, should I do that? What do I do to get over him? Should I wait for them to break up? What do I do?!?

While Nancy Grace is busy shedding crocodile tears for George and Cindy Anthony?

I'm curious to know how much money the Anthony's made by giving all the photos and videos to the press? I heard at least a couple hundred thousand. So, who's NOT making money off this crime?

How come he hurt me like this?Tell me what to do.....?

honey, that is betrayal, he used you and look how he treated you. Getting back at him may make his life hell, but it certainly isnt the way to go, dump his sorry *** and move on.. your better than that xox :)

What should I be for halloween?

OOOO LOL be a vampire!!!!!! I LOVE VAMPIRES THEY ARE WICKED AWESOME!!!! Or maybe even a zombie or something.... lol or i like the aladin idea too cuz it is very creative lol.... Hehehe i wanna be a vampire for halloween but my friends want me to be a 6th blind mouse with them.... so they want me to wear grey shorts, grey fishnets, and a grey shirt, then have BIG GLES and mouse ears (It sounds sorta slutty and nerdy lol but it DOES NOT really look that way) lol thought i'd share. and good luck w/ the costume situation.

I have a dog named Simba he is almost 6 years old. He is up to date on all his shots including rabies. cont.?

He takes his monthly medication for heart worm and fleas. Now he has developed an itch on his genital area. He scratches like crazy. I noticed some black spots there, I look to see if it was little animals or something and it doesn't seem like it. Does any one has any suggestions on what this could be. Or do I have to rush him to the Vet. I just need to know what it could be. We live in Florida but he is an air conditioned dog. He only goes outside to do his business and comes right back in. I appreciate any help at all. Thank you so very much. love Bori.

How do i get over my ex i love soooooo much????

Okay about 9 months ago i met my ex boyfriend and i felled in love with him, 7 months later we broke up and i now have a new boyfriend. But i still LOVE my ex, this is driving me crazy. I'm not the type of gurl that cries over boys but the fact that we broke up wen he ced he loved me and he'd always be wit me, it makes me feel like he was lying the whole time brings tears to my eyes. I truly do love this boy words can't express the feelings because its deeper than love. But i have deep feelings for my current boyfriend now. I don't talk to my ex at all like a month ago he texed me but that was it. I don't know what to do, how do i get over my ex so it won't mess up my relationship now????

Help paraphrase BECAUSE I COULD NOT STOP FOR DEATH by emily inson?

Don't know...but you can sing this poem to the tune of "Yellow Rose of Texas" and it makes a lively little ditty. (Or you can sing it to the tune of "House of the Rising Sun" and it's a very somber, haunting song.)

Why didn't they put OJ Simpson in jail in 1995 for the murder of his wife?

Everyone knows he was guilty as they come, and now they just now put him in prison? Where is the justice for Nicole's family? At least now the rat is in prison.

Basic Kinematics ques.?

A bullet travelling with velocity of 16m/s s a tree trunk comes to rest in 0.4m. what is the time taken during the retardation? (i want solution with working)

Have you had this problem with your iMac?

With it being a new computer you can take it back and get a new one and if that happens with it then get your money back.

Dog breed on the show Girls Next Door?

I was bored tonight and saw Hugh's dog on the show Charlie. Anyone know the breed? Hes very small and brown and white. Looks like a very small spaniel. Thanks

If you could see any band live from any time period, that you haven't seen yet. Who would it be?

I've seen Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth, and Anthrax. I've been to a few Ozzfests and Cruefests. I'd have to say if i could see any band live that i've never seen it would be the original Guns N' Roses. Axl, Slash, Izzy, Duff, and Adler. Shame i never got the chance to see them play... :(

Judas Priest - Santa Claus?

there is a song "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" to the tune of Judas Priest's "Heading Out to the Highway" . Its either by Judas Priest or a group that sounds like Judas Priest. Ive heard this song many years ago at Christmas time . has anyone else heard this and/or know how I can get it ?

Picture of the little oysters from "Alice In Wonderland"?

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Is this the life, or what?

I'm driving through the hills, just because I can, on a warm summer night. The trees on the roadside (and the kangaroo I'm sincerely glad didn't jump out in front of me) are silhouetted in the moonlight. On my lap lies a big chunk of double brie I've been idly nibbling at as I drive. Makes me appreciate freedom. :)

Myspace groups?

i made a dumb group that i want deleted and im the moderator and there is no resing on can i delete this without deleting my profile

What do i tell my hairdresser to get a cut like this?,r:25,s:0&tx=90&ty=66

Can you put freshwater clams in a tropical fishtank?

hi,its just out of curiousity,can you go to the creek,take a couple freshwater clams and throw them in with your tropical fish?

Why do my mp3 files change days after I downloaded them?

I usually sort files by date (last change), and I sometimes find mp3's I downloaded long time ago reappearing at the top of the folder, before more recent downloads.

I think I may have diabetes Help?

Hi everyone, I hope I get some advice in here well I'm a 20 year old girl my height is 5"7' and I weigh in 117 ! Lately I haven't bn feeling good I'm feeling really sick! This are the symtoms that I've feeling, Fatigue,Drowyness, Thirsty, Tired, Cramping, Peeing, Blurry Vision, I crash fast when I eat, my veins POP out, my heart starts beating fast, my face gets red like I don't have circulation in my head! Please what should I do I need help!


to see.In he walks to the dirty shithole ,flies everywhere,dirty plates,food on the floor,bad smells.He asks the owner for a cake and cup of tea,The bloke finishes scratching his aarse,rakes a crow from his nose and picks up a manky cake.The inspector is mortified and issues an immediate closure order to old dirty bolllocks,who says he is so ,so sorry,he is having a hard time at home and will neverlet it get in such a state again.The inspector says if he cleans up the joint in 1 week and can demonstrate how a cafe should be run,then he may allow him to open again.1 week later the inspector calls and is amazed ,crystal clear gl,gleaming cutlery and plates ,spotless floor and walls ,WOW He enthuses,this is superb,asks for a cake,and is presented with a lovely cream tart with cake tongs,then notices the owner has string hangin out of his flies,inspector asks why,he says" to pull me nob out without touchin it when i go to the bog"then he asks how he gets it back"With these tongs"he says

How should I handle an ex-girlfriend who is now my boss?

My ex has just been made my boss, and I'm convinced I will be heading for a fairly tough time of things as I believe she will want to ert her new authority over me. I'm 31, she's 24, but has always been a real 'go getter' and strong-willed person. She told me on starting last week that I am not to address her by her first name (as others of my level may), but must address her as 'Miss Barrett' or 'Ma'am'. This is apparantly to ensure 'there is an even playing field and no allegations of favouratism'. How should I approach this - try to ride it out, or take it over her head if she is not responsive to my requests for what I would percieve to be equal treatment?